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Melco Audiophile NAS (754 replies)
BBC radio streams not working (236 replies)
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Auto Rescan package for Synology users (formerly known as Auto Restart package) (193 replies)
Tagging classical music (187 replies)
Using app with minimserver (150 replies)
ReplayGain (128 replies)
Restriction of BBC Radio HLS/DASH to authorised third parties (126 replies)
[Tutorial] Installing MinimServer on FreeNAS or FreeBSD (126 replies)
GETTING STARTED (122 replies)
Announcing MinimServer 2 (122 replies)
BBC R3 Lossless Stream (109 replies)
Configuring radio streams with minimwatch (104 replies)
[Tutorial] Installing Java on a Synology ARMv5 or PPC NAS (101 replies)
Melco Audiophile NAS (1,201,449 views)
BBC radio streams not working (509,193 views)
Auto Rescan package for Synology users (formerly known as Auto Restart package) (399,969 views)
Tagging classical music (390,645 views)
[Tutorial] Installing Java on a Synology ARMv5 or PPC NAS (288,397 views)
Configuring radio streams with minimwatch (236,632 views)
Let's brainstorm..Setting up MinimServer to feed a USB DAC (229,949 views)
GETTING STARTED (197,583 views)
ReplayGain (190,391 views)
MinimServer 0.8.1 is now available (180,596 views)
How to organize and tag classical music (177,463 views)
MinimStreamer Installation (171,531 views)
A full function linux control point? (170,666 views)
[Tutorial] Installing MinimServer on FreeNAS or FreeBSD (169,991 views)
Wow. I'm really impressed! Freenas? (166,620 views)