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Minimserver 2 API ?
25-01-2020, 18:55 (This post was last modified: 25-01-2020 18:56 by lyapounov.)
Post: #1
Minimserver 2 API ?
That may sound a weird question, and maybe I got it wrong...

However: I have 6500+ Albums. Most of their tagging is not good.

Files are on a synology server, and I don't want to use smb. So there is no possibility to retag from my Mac, as I don't see the files (uploaded via sftp).

I therefore created a database on the synology and I have populated with my own information using some php code.

So my database is now more accurate than the file tagging. It contains a separate table for musicians, so I don't care about mutiple ways to write their name; it contains information such as music label which are not part of the standard tags. Etc.

However, there is no program to write tags in the files themself in php (I have had a talk with the creator of getID3; he admitted to me that his tag writing does not work, because it relies on a program called metaflac which is hardly available on a synology).

Here is my question: would they be some API in minimserver2 so that I can update the minimserver database to populate from my information, therefore superseeding the bad tagging of my files ?

Does this make sense, or am I out of the scope ?
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25-01-2020, 20:41
Post: #2
RE: Minimserver 2 API ?
metaflac is a Linux program. A Synology NAS is a Linux computer. I don't see why it would be difficult to run metaflac on a Synology NAS.

Unlike many other UPnP servers, MinimServer doesn't use a database. It reads tagged metadata directly from the files and stores some of this information in memory and some in a cache file. There is no API that would allow this information to be provided by an external database and I don't have any plans to provide such a capability.
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25-01-2020, 22:10
Post: #3
RE: Minimserver 2 API ?
Would running SongKong on Synology to update the tags provide a solution?
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26-01-2020, 08:07
Post: #4
RE: Minimserver 2 API ?
SongKong would update the tags to match its view of the world. This would probably not be exactly the same as what the OP has created already in the database, though it might be close.

SongKong has a preview mode where it will show what changes would be made to the tags without making those changes. This is available in the Lite (free trial) version of SongKong. I think it would be worth trying this preview mode to see whether the results are suitable, then purchasing the paid version of SongKong if the OP wants to apply the changes.
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27-01-2020, 16:10
Post: #5
RE: Minimserver 2 API ?
I've performed a few batch updates before with a similar scenario (the new tags come from local files), but while it may not match all of the requirements (you seem to want to do it directly on the Synology) I thought it might be useful to others.

I use a component of foobar called m-TAGS. To use it, you point it at your music folder (choose to have it create files in a separate folder) and then at a target location, at which point it creates a folder hierarchy that mimics the source, inside each of which is a text file ("!.tags" by default) that represents all the music contained in the associated folder, with pointers to the music itself, and all the tags present.

From this point on, you can simply load these files into foobar and have all the functionality that would be available as if the music files had been loaded themselves e.g. playing, tag editing e.t.c., the only difference is that changes aren't reflected back in the music files themselves, but in the M-TAG files.

Whilst the above usage scenario is very powerful (you could create different views of the music without modifying the original files, or for testing changes), because the files are just tag based text files it's trivial to modify them (I used shell scripting), test them back in foobar, and then apply the M-TAG tags back to the music itself.

I store my music as one file per track, with cue files only where the flac's themselves don't verify with AccurateRip e.g. if the CD contains PREGAPS or DATA tracks, so I had to exclude CUE files from the scanning otherwise M-TAGs would duplicate the tracks, so obviously test this on a subset first.
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