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trouble with Audirvana and multipl artist tag
04-01-2018, 01:48 (This post was last modified: 04-01-2018 02:04 by pask.)
Post: #1
trouble with Audirvana and multipl artist tag
Hi !
First post on this forum, many thanks for this great app, I'm new to it and don't get everything yet, but enjoy it already.
I'm listening to my music stored on a nas synology from 2 different methods:
1: with my MacBook Air with Audirvana in DLNA mode to the moon amp, and use it to tag my music (artists, composer, orchestra, gender etc.)
or 2: from my iPad to the moon amp, with minimServer on the nas+linn app on the ipad

My problem : when I set more than one artist per album on Audirvana in the artist tag, this guy write ;;;; between artists, it looks like is own way of doing this. But MinimServer doesn't recognize it as e separator, and not all artists are shown on my iPad app.

Can I solve this issue somewhere in the MinimServer properties tag to tell him to consider ;;;; as ; ?
Thanks to the community Smile) Idea
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04-01-2018, 08:12
Post: #2
RE: trouble with Audirvana and multipl artist tag
Welcome to the MinimServer forum!

What format are your files (e.g., MP3, MP4/M4A, FLAC, WAV)? If it is MP3, are the tags in ID3v2.3 or ID3v2.4 form?
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04-01-2018, 11:30 (This post was last modified: 04-01-2018 11:34 by pask.)
Post: #3
RE: trouble with Audirvana and multipl artist tag
Hi Simon Smile
happy 2018 from south France Angel
My collection is a mix of old MP3 and lot of FLAC-ALAC(yes, long time iTunes user sorryBig Grin), more and more hi res files.
And for the tag, I really don't know... I use MP3tag on my Mac sometime.
I'm realizing how difficult is it to use a large collection (2500 albums) on different platform, specially with classical music. maybe I might totally switch to Minimserver and iPad app control, but I also like the unmatched way Audirvana can browse a large collection with multiple criteria when I'm using my Mac (gendar+composer+artist for exple) and didn't notice sound quality difference by using one or other method. (my Moon Neo Ace amp has network card/DLNA and integrated DAC converter)
Thanks for the help and congrats for this set of software (haven't tried the MinimStreamer yet)

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04-01-2018, 17:44 (This post was last modified: 04-01-2018 17:45 by paultaylor.)
Post: #4
RE: trouble with Audirvana and multipl artist tag
(04-01-2018 01:48)pask Wrote:  My problem : when I set more than one artist per album on Audirvana in the artist tag, this guy write ;;;; between artists, it looks like is own way of doing this. But MinimServer doesn't recognize it as e separator, and not all artists are shown on my iPad app.
I suspect Audirvana is just displaying ;;;; to indicate to you that the field has multiple values, how it actually stores those multiple values in the files is format specific.

Does it work for your Flac but not your Mp3s, if so I would guess that for Mp3s it is either using ID3v24 and separating multiple values by a '/' (should be null character), or using ID3v23 and separating by a null character. The ID3v23 standard only supports using '/' as does MinimServer, however there are many tools that support using null character for ID3v23.
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05-01-2018, 11:21
Post: #5
RE: trouble with Audirvana and multipl artist tag
Thanks Paul for the help.
I can't believe Audirvana (a very good software for Mac BTW) is managing tags this way Sad
Yes, same issue with Flac & mp3...
I'm gonna contact him to know more about that. I'm afraid I have to spend a week to tag my library again :,(
I'm still learning how to manage my library in my way with the minimServer properties, looks very powerful
Thanks again
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05-01-2018, 13:15 (This post was last modified: 05-01-2018 13:39 by pask.)
Post: #6
RE: trouble with Audirvana and multipl artist tag
I'm lost... Confused
Can someone help me to figure out how to tag correctly for Minimserver to get all infos about :

- multiples artistes (mostly for jazz) : Anouar Brahem is playing on his last album (Blue Maqams) with Dave Holland, Jack DeJonette, Django Bates. I'd like to see in artist list this album related to all artists. Going to Dave Holland artist will show me Blue Maqams on his album, like Anouar Brahem.

- Multiples styles : I'm big ECM lover, fantastic label. I'm since now using a 'ECM' label in the tag to browse my collection faster. BUT ECM is sometime editing musiciens from Jazz, classical, or contemporary music. How could I display some albums in different gender (ECM & Classical or ECM & Jazz)

- extra tag : Conductor & Orchestra are essential, like composer for classical/contemporary music.

What would be the best software to get/buy for tagging a list of FLAC/M4P/MP3 and 2500 albums to feet all this criteria and be 100% compatible with MinimServer on a Mac ?

I wish I can get someone to help me on that. I'm sure the question has been asked millions of time, but still can't figure it out, and if I have to retag my all library, I'd like to make it durable and effective (it took me a lot of time via Audirvana and was working fine, but since I want my music to be played without computer, only from the NAS to the DLNA Amp, I scared I must restart my tagging method from scratch AngryConfusedSad

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05-01-2018, 17:07
Post: #7
RE: trouble with Audirvana and multipl artist tag
(05-01-2018 13:15)pask Wrote:  I'm lost... Confused
Can someone help me to figure out how to tag correctly for Minimserver to get all infos about :

- multiples artistes (mostly for jazz) : Anouar Brahem is playing on his last album (Blue Maqams) with Dave Holland, Jack DeJonette, Django Bates. I'd like to see in artist list this album related to all artists. Going to Dave Holland artist will show me Blue Maqams on his album, like Anouar Brahem.

- Multiples styles : I'm big ECM lover, fantastic label. I'm since now using a 'ECM' label in the tag to browse my collection faster. BUT ECM is sometime editing musiciens from Jazz, classical, or contemporary music. How could I display some albums in different gender (ECM & Classical or ECM & Jazz)
MinimServer lets you browse by any field so its quite trivial to configure it to use Label and Genre fields for example, so if you then browsed by label it would then show only genres available for that label, alternatively if you browsed by genre it would then only labels available for that genre.

My MinimServer guide was written with SongKong in mind, but hopefully you would find it useful for configuring MinimServer regardless of the tagging solution you try, here is a link that explains having multiple track artists -
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06-01-2018, 09:16
Post: #8
RE: trouble with Audirvana and multipl artist tag
The ;;;; separator is probably the multiple tag separator that SOME tagging programmes use (but no all) others may use \\ but as I found out over Christmas, trying to get consistent tag structures using different tagging apps is a real nightmare. Personally, I use metadatics on my Macs, available from the app store. The tagging from it is compatible with Minim and mostly compatible with Audirvana which I also use. Some of the incompatibility with Audirvana and others is that some of the later ID3 tags are not treated the same by all apps. My advice is to find a tagging programme that you like and then stick to it.

Melco N1ZH/2 (updated to EX) MinimServer2, Chord M Scaler, DAVE, SPM1200MKII, Wilson Benesch Vectors
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06-01-2018, 20:11 (This post was last modified: 06-01-2018 20:35 by pask.)
Post: #9
RE: trouble with Audirvana and multipl artist tag
Thanks Paul and Beck for taking the time to get back to me Smile do appreciate it a lot
Yes, using multiple platform with complex tagging ( gendar + composer + all artist ) is actually a nightmare :,(
BUT, i do like a lot the way I'm using my NAS + MacBook Air + audirvana(DLNA version) + DLNA AMP, very fast and flexible, on the same time, NAS + Minimserver + iPad + DLNA AMP is so cool and computer free and has a better WAF factor Big Grin

After doing some investigation, and converting files in different format, I just found out that Andirvana tags are correct via minimserver on all artists tag on files converted to FLAC files. When opening a FLAC file in MP3tag, correct separator are displayed \\, and it works via both platform perfectly... But the same file in M4P version return me ;;;; for miniserver on the all artists tag .... I can't believe I've done something wrong as I ran this test on multiples album with multiples artistes...

A Lord, my collection is 70% M4P... should I really have to convert them to FLAC to get the good display on both platform ? :,( Angry

Well the lazy option could be to only use artist tag when using minimserver on iPad and just forget about the all Artists one ... of course I can live with that Big Grin

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06-01-2018, 23:32 (This post was last modified: 06-01-2018 23:50 by pask.)
Post: #10
RE: trouble with Audirvana and multipl artist tag

i've downloaded metadatics to give it a try, and ad multiple artists to trackartist tag. it's actually working very nice and metadata are recognized via MinimServer and Audirvana, on both MP3 and Flac, but not for M4P, Audirvana return me the artist group as one...
I should try to contact th developer instead, I think the problem is coming from this app.

Thanks, say hi if you come around Nice, south France, to get a drink with some music Smile
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