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WIndows software renderer for Kinsky
24-04-2017, 11:38
Post: #1
WIndows software renderer for Kinsky
I have MinimServer server and Kinsky control point, I urgently need a software renderer for Windows that will then be visible to Kinsky as a source. Everything I try seems to be trying to either replace MinimServer or Kinsky. I just need the renderer/player part, please advice.
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24-04-2017, 11:48 (This post was last modified: 24-04-2017 12:02 by paultaylor.)
Post: #2
RE: WIndows software renderer for Kinsky
Sorry I do have something working now - Foobar2000

Follow up question, if I start playing something with Kinsky it now shows on the top section
Artwork, title, album, artists, is this part configurable or it that the limit to what it shows.
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