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Convolver + ReplayGain - Printable Version

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Convolver + ReplayGain - AnnieBody - 06-11-2023 20:43

I am currently using minimstreamer with a convolver file:
convOut=-i "C:\Internet\MinimServer\opt\bin\convolution\CD7NT_Impulse.wav" -lavfi afir
works very well!

I now want to use the replaygain tag to auto change volume for playlists:
convOut=-af volume=replaygain=track
works very well!

Despite many attempts, what I can't seem to do is get both working together without generating an error.
Can anyone offer a way to combine both these stream options?

Also, just for a little light reading, where can I find out more info regarding the '-(something)' options? I want to know more about what they are doing, rather than just type them in because I have been advised to!
Regards and thanks

RE: Convolver + ReplayGain - simoncn - 06-11-2023 21:20

See this post for an example of how to combine replaygain and convolution.

The minus options such as -lavfi and -af are described in the FFmpeg documentation.

RE: Convolver + ReplayGain - AnnieBody - 29-11-2023 20:29

I created 3x mp3 and 3 x flac files from one wav track. To these I manually added (using Mp3Tag) the replaygain trackgain of 0db, +12db and -12db so I had one of each gain per file type.

After much trial and error I have found the following settings partially work:
dsf(>64):wav24;176, wav(>24;192):wav24;192, mp3:wav24, flac:wav24; [only the mp3 and flac settings relate to replaygain]
stream options
convOut=-i "C:\Internet\MinimServer\opt\bin\convolution\ORA10_HD650_Impulse.wav" -lavfi "afir=gtype=gn,volume=replaygain=track"

I say partially because the replaygain +12db doesn't appear to work.
If I play the files on my PC using foobar then the gain differences are clearly and unmistakingly audible.
But when I use MinimServer only the -12dB is applied, the other two tracks having the same volume.
So what is preventing the replaygain + setting from being utilised?

RE: Convolver + ReplayGain - simoncn - 30-11-2023 10:33

Please refer to the link I posted in post #2 of this thread. The replaygain option needs to appear first.

RE: Convolver + ReplayGain - AnnieBody - 03-12-2023 15:01

I'll have to spend further time on the order while trying to resolve the syntax required.

In the meantime:
mp3:wav24, flac:wav24
stream options
convOut=-af volume=replaygain=track

Still only applies -gain not +gain to the above created files.
So how do I get both + and - replaygain working?

RE: Convolver + ReplayGain - simoncn - 04-12-2023 12:07

You need to use the setting flac:wav24; instead of flac:wav24. The semicolon tells MinimStreamer to use FFmpeg for transcoding instead of its own internal converter. The semicolon is only needed for FLAC, so your complete setting should be

mp3:wav24, flac:wav24;

With these settings, positive replay gain for FLAC files is working for me. However, I cannot get positive replay gain to work for MP3 files, only negative gain.

This seems to be a problem with FFmpeg rather than MinimStreamer. I ran FFmpeg directly from the command line on some test files and the result was the same.

RE: Convolver + ReplayGain - AnnieBody - 16-12-2023 12:21

After much trawling the internet and learning about ffmpeg audio I have found a working solution from the 'HydrogenAudio' support forum.
You need to include a 'noclip' option.

The previously reported method
stream options:
convOut=-af volume=replaygain=track
should be changed to:
convOut=-af volume=replaygain=track:replaygain_noclip=0

Again, after trialling how to put the convolver file first I now have my fully working convolver + replaygain method (modify as required):
mp3:wav24, flac:wav24;
stream options:
convOut=-i "C:\Internet\MinimServer\opt\bin\convolution\ORA10_HD650_Impulse.wav" -lavfi "afir=gtype=gn,volume=replaygain=track:replaygain_noclip=0"

RE: Convolver + ReplayGain - simoncn - 16-12-2023 16:39

Thanks for posting the correct setting for positive gain with MP3 files and for confirming that performing convolution before replay gain does work.