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Read additional tags from audio files - Printable Version

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Read additional tags from audio files - ischowam - 08-03-2023 20:35


Maybe I am not only struggling with one issue, but let's solve it step by step Smile

My files contain two tags with year dates: DATE and ORIGYEAR

DATE is being read automatically, right?
For ORIGYEAR I need to trigger Minimserver to read it additionally, right?

So I put "Origyear" into the itemtags-preferences.

Is that correct so far?

Secondly I want to format the DATE-String by using displayFormat.
I would like to see: DATE (Release: ORIGYEAR) -> "1980 (Release: 2014)"

Everything I try does not have an impact after the rescan.
Even, if I just use a simple:

I have no clue, where the error is.


RE: Read additional tags from audio files - simoncn - 08-03-2023 21:04

The Date tag isn't read automatically. You need to specify it in either indexTags or itemTags. By default, it is included in indexTags.

Are you trying to change what appears in the Date index? For this you need to use indexFormat, not displayFormat.

With indexFormat, you can't use an existing tag (such as Date) as the target of the format string. This means you will need to do something like this:

1) In indexTags, replace Date with IndexDate:Date
2) Add Date and OrigYear to itemTags
2) Set tagFormat to IndexDate.indexFormat={$date^$origyear^ (Release: ^)}

RE: Read additional tags from audio files - ischowam - 08-03-2023 22:01

(08-03-2023 21:04)simoncn Wrote:  The Date tag isn't read automatically. You need to specify it in either indexTags or itemTags. By default, it is included in indexTags.

Aaah, you are right, but it is in the indexTags-Prefs.
So, that should be sufficient, right?

Quote:Are you trying to change what appears in the Date index?
No. I want to change the appearance of the year in the controller app.
As the apps (BubbleUpnP and Hifi-Cast) are limited in customizing the views (replace tags by others) I only can use the workaround to modify the appearance of those, which are shown.

So, would this be correct in tagFormat-Prefs?
date.displayFormat={$date^$origyear^ (Release: ^)}

A rescan works with it (green icon), but I still just see the "normal" DATE everywhere.

Could it be a conflict, that I also modify the album-tag?
My full itemTag-Prefs:
date.displayFormat={$date^$origyear^ (Release: ^)}, album.displayFormat={$album^^      $Date^[ ^ ]}, title.displayFormat={$title^^$#AudioDuration^       ^^$#AudioFormat^  |  ^^}

RE: Read additional tags from audio files - simoncn - 08-03-2023 22:22

If your formatted Date value is used by your formatted Album value, you need to combine these into a single Album format string. You can't use the output from one format string as the input to another format string.

RE: Read additional tags from audio files - ischowam - 08-03-2023 22:40

(08-03-2023 22:22)simoncn Wrote:  If your formatted Date value is used by your formatted Album value, you need to combine these into a single Album format string.
Good to know, that this can be done.

Quote: You can't use the output from one format string as the input to another format string.
Actually I appreciate this as that is what would I have been looking for next ;-)

ALBUM: Achtung Baby
Date: 1991

I would like to have the result:
Album: Achtung Baby [ 1991 ]
DATE: 1991 (Release: 2011)

Is that the case?

For album it works, but unfortunately still not for date (in both controller apps).

RE: Read additional tags from audio files - simoncn - 08-03-2023 22:59

Where are you expecting the string

DATE: 1991 (Release: 2011)

to show up in your control point? To put this another way, where in your control point do you currently see an unformatted Date value?

If the only place you see a date is in the Album string, you need to use Album.displayFormat to change this.

RE: Read additional tags from audio files - ischowam - 08-03-2023 23:18

In Hifi Cast you can display the year on Now Playing.
Here I see the content of DATE as stand-alone.

RE: Read additional tags from audio files - simoncn - 09-03-2023 12:34

On Hi-Fi Cast, I see a 4-digit year in Song Details. This is computed from the dc:date value sent by MinimServer to the control point. This value is required by the UPnP specification to be of the form YYYY-MM-DD.

I have checked the code in MinimServer for writing the dc:date value. Because of the requirement to send a YYYY-MM-DD value, displayFormat processing is not used for this value.

It looks like Hi-Fi Cast (and other control points I have tried) is showing only the YYYY portion of the YYYY-MM-DD value that MinimServer is sending.

RE: Read additional tags from audio files - ischowam - 09-03-2023 19:23

So you mean, that date.displayFormat does not work at all, because the format has to be YYYY-MM-DD acc. UPnP?

RE: Read additional tags from audio files - simoncn - 09-03-2023 20:04

Yes, any Date.displayFormat setting has no effect.