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Full Version: [Tutorial] Installing Java on a Synology ARMv5 or PPC NAS
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The recommended method to install Java depends on the processor of your NAS. Please see the section 'Installing Java' of the MinimServer installation guide for a Synology NAS to find out which processor your NAS has. For Intel and ARMv7 NAS models it is recommended to install Java using the official Synology Java Manager. Please see the section Installing Java (Intel and ARMv7 models) for detailed instructions. For ARMv5 and PPC models you have to use the 'Java SE for Embedded' package from patters.

This guide will cover the latter method for ARMv5 and PPC models. With the 'Java SE for Embedded' package it is possible to install Java 6, 7 and 8. In general, it is recommended to use the latest version. The following guide is based on installing Java 8 on a DS211 running DSM 5.0.

In short, the installation procedure consists of the following steps:
1) Registering with Oracle, downloading the right Java archive and uploading it to the 'public' shared folder of your NAS.
2) Adding the repository URL from patters to the Package Center.
3) Installing the 'Java SE for Embedded' package using the Package Center.

These steps will be discussed in detail in the following:

1) Downloading Java. Open the link, review and accept the License Agreement, and download the Java SE Embedded archive which is appropriate for your NAS.

For ARMv5 models, download the file
and for PPC models, download the file
Please note that these file names may not be the actual ones, as the version and date parts are subject to change.

Use the Synology File Station to upload the Java archive file to a shared folder named 'public' on your NAS. Shared folders are top-level folders which can be created using the DSM: 'Control Panel' -> 'File Sharing' -> 'Shared Folder'.

Please note the following important points:
a) You have to register an account with Oracle to be able to download the Java archive.
b) I will try to keep the file names from above up to date, but they may vary in the version number and the date. The 'Java SE for Embedded' package usually requires the most recent Java archive file.
c) In case you've just set up a new NAS, the 'public' shared folder may not be there. In this case you have to create it manually.
d) Some browsers cause problems when downloading the Java archive in that they rename or extract the downloaded file automatically. See the notes in the section Installing Java (ARMv5 and PowerPC models).

2) Adding the repository URL. From the DSM main menu, open the Package Center and click on Settings to open the settings dialog (Screenshot 1). In the settings dialog, go to the Package Sources tab and click on Add. In the Add dialog, copy and paste the repository URL to the 'Location:' text field and click OK two times to apply the repository URL (Screenshot 2). To check whether adding the repository URL has been successful, go to the Community tab of the Package Center and look for the package 'Java SE for Embedded 8' (Screenshot 3).

3) Installing Java. Now install Java from the Community tab in the Package Center. If everything went fine before, the installation will be successful and you can proceed with installing MinimServer. To check for a working Java installation, open the log of the 'Java SE for Embedded 8' package in the Package Center. If you see a log message similar to the one in Screenshot 4, you are done.

I hope that this tutorial will be useful and I'd appreciate feedback on how to improve it.
(01-10-2013 20:26)winxi Wrote: [ -> ]This is the first version of this tutorial and I'd appreciate feedback on how to improve it. Also, I hope that this is the right forum section for this.

Thanks very much for doing this! I think it will be a great help for new users. Yes, it is the right forum section.

I think it would be useful to add similar instructions for installing Java on an x86-based NAS using Synology Java Manager. This would need to be produced by someone who has an x86-based Synology NAS. I happen to have one of these myself, and I'll work on producing this information in the next week or so.
(02-10-2013 18:27)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-10-2013 20:26)winxi Wrote: [ -> ]This is the first version of this tutorial and I'd appreciate feedback on how to improve it. Also, I hope that this is the right forum section for this.

Thanks very much for doing this! I think it will be a great help for new users. Yes, it is the right forum section.

I think it would be useful to add similar instructions for installing Java on an x86-based NAS using Synology Java Manager. This would need to be produced by someone who has an x86-based Synology NAS. I happen to have one of these myself, and I'll work on producing this information in the next week or so.


I have a DS214j and have big problems to install java..

I get this

Java SE for Embedded 7

Kunne ikke installere pakken.

I was expecting the file /volume1/public/ejre-7u51-fcs-b13-linux-arm-sflt-headless-18_dec_2013.tar.gz. Please agree to the Oracle licence at, then download the 'ARMv5 Linux - Headless EABI, SoftFP ABI, Little Endian' package and place it in the 'public' shared folder on your NAS. This download cannot be automated even if displaying a package EULA could potentially cover the legal aspect, because files hosted on Oracle's server are protected by a session cookie requiring a JavaScript enabled browser.
(15-01-2014 20:23)vassago Wrote: [ -> ]Hello

I have a DS214j and have big problems to install java..

I get this

Java SE for Embedded 7

Kunne ikke installere pakken.

I was expecting the file /volume1/public/ejre-7u51-fcs-b13-linux-arm-sflt-headless-18_dec_2013.tar.gz. Please agree to the Oracle licence at, then download the 'ARMv5 Linux - Headless EABI, SoftFP ABI, Little Endian' package and place it in the 'public' shared folder on your NAS. This download cannot be automated even if displaying a package EULA could potentially cover the legal aspect, because files hosted on Oracle's server are protected by a session cookie requiring a JavaScript enabled browser.

did you download the file 'ejre-7u51-fcs-b13-linux-arm-sflt-headless-18_dec_2013.tar.gz' and put it in the public shared folder? This is what is described under step 2). Please also put special attention to the second note under step 2).

yes this file ejre-7u51-fcs-b13-linux-arm-vfp-hflt-client_headless-18_dec_2013.tar and this ejre-7u51-fcs-b13-linux-arm-vfp-hflt-client_headless-18_dec_2013.tar.gz
(15-01-2014 20:36)vassago Wrote: [ -> ]Hello

yes this file ejre-7u51-fcs-b13-linux-arm-vfp-hflt-client_headless-18_dec_2013.tar and this ejre-7u51-fcs-b13-linux-arm-vfp-hflt-client_headless-18_dec_2013.tar.gz

Neither of these files is the correct one, please download exactly the file which is mentioned in the error message.

it is the same

Kunne ikke installere pakken.

I was expecting the file /volume1/public/ejre-7u51-fcs-b13-linux-arm-sflt-headless-18_dec_2013.tar.gz. Please agree to the Oracle licence at, then download the 'ARMv5 Linux - Headless EABI, SoftFP ABI, Little Endian' package and place it in the 'public' shared folder on your NAS. This download cannot be automated even if displaying a package EULA could potentially cover the legal aspect, because files hosted on Oracle's server are protected by a session cookie requiring a JavaScript enabled browser.
(15-01-2014 20:56)vassago Wrote: [ -> ]Hello

it is the same

Please post a screenshot of the Synology File Station showing the contents of the public shared folder.
(15-01-2014 20:58)winxi Wrote: [ -> ]
(15-01-2014 20:56)vassago Wrote: [ -> ]Hello

it is the same

Please post a screenshot of the Synology File Station showing the contents of the public shared folder.

The screenshot shows the correct file in the public shared folder. I'm not yet sure what there could be wrong.
Please try again installing Java from the package center and make sure to choose Java 7 (not Java 6). If it doesn't work, please download the correct file again using firefox and reupload it to the public shared folder.
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