is it possible to use the tagFormat Title.displayFormat to create the following Title Format: "Artist - Title (xx:yy)" where (xx:yy) should be the title lenght in min:sec?
(01-09-2013 21:34)manciano66 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
is it possible to use the tagFormat Title.displayFormat to create the following Title Format: "Artist - Title (xx:yy)" where (xx:yy) should be the title lenght in min:sec?
No, this isn't possible.
Thanks for the info.
Hello Minimserver fans.
I try to use Title.displayFormat={$tracknumber^$title^ . ^} but only dot is displaying before the title.
I'd like to display such a string f.g. "1/12 title" but will it work? Title.displayFormat={$tracknumber^$totaltracks^$title^ / ^}
(26-12-2013 22:51)DJ1972 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Minimserver fans.
I try to use Title.displayFormat={$tracknumber^$title^ . ^} but only dot is displaying before the title.
I'd like to display such a string f.g. "1/12 title" but will it work? Title.displayFormat={$tracknumber^$totaltracks^$title^ / ^}
This should work if you are using MinimServer 0.8.1 and you have added TrackNumber and TotalTracks to the itemTags property. The correct format setting for this would be
Title.displayFormat={$tracknumber^$totaltracks^/^$title^ ^}