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It isn't possible to search with a BubbleUPnP/BubbleDS control point app for albums including double spaces in album titles. Obviously my MinimServer configuration replaces double spaces in album titles with single space.

Could anybody give me a hint to avoid the automatically double space trim on album titles on my MinimServer setup?

More details:
It fails if you hold in Bubble "Playlist" a song with such a named album title
and search by "Show album". If its album name includes double spaces it fails with "No search result".

I've contacted BubbleSoft including a test song and they were able to reproduce it and respond:
|| I can reproduce this issue with that file.
|| As you mentioned, the file has album title tag with a double space between 2 and (2011):
|| "Blue Coast Collection 2 (2011)"
|| But MinimServer removes that double space in the album title it sends to BubbleDS for that track:
|| "Blue Coast Collection 2 (2011)"
|| Then, when you do "Show album" on that track in BubbleDS, it sends to MinimServer an UPnP Search request
|| with the title with a single space and MinimServer does not find it.
|| It is probable that MinimServer is sending to BubbleDS a "normalized" album title without the space.
Your post does not contain a double space. I think the forum has removed this.

MinimServer does not remove double spaces from album titles or from any other tag values. All tag values are used exactly as they appear in the audio file. To confirm this, I have created a test file containing an album name tag with a double space and checked that the XML data that MinimServer sends to the control point also contains a double space.
(09-04-2024 15:02)twieatminim Wrote: [ -> ]It isn't possible to search with a BubbleUPnP/BubbleDS control point app for albums including double spaces in album titles. Obviously my MinimServer configuration replaces double spaces in album titles with single space.
It looks to me to be a BubbleUPnP problem.

I added a double space to the album 'The Clash', and in the BubbleUPnP logging I see:

    <item id="0$=AlbumArtistSort$490$albums$*a25$*i339" parentID="0$=AlbumArtistSort$490$albums$*a25" restricted="1">
        <dc:title>Janie Jones</dc:title>
        <dc:creator>The Clash</dc:creator>
        <upnp:artist>The Clash</upnp:artist>
        <upnp:artist role="AlbumArtist">The Clash</upnp:artist>
        <upnp:album>1977 - The  Clash (from the boxset 'Sound System') [2013 Remaster]</upnp:album>

This is the xml that BubbleUPnP receives from MinimServer. Note the double space between 'The' and 'Clash' in the <upnp:album> tag.

When I click 'Show Album' BubbleUPnP performs the search:
searching all albums with title: 1977 - The Clash (from the boxset 'Sound System') [2013 Remaster]

The double space has disappeared.
Urgh! My mistake. BubbleUPnP/BubbleDS is indeed replacing all consecutive spaces by a single one in the search query string. Totally forgot about that and why I did it ages ago but will fix in next app update. Sorry for the false alarm.
EDIT: I think the purpose for this multiple space replacement by a single space purpose is for user initiated searches where a user type any string and a multiple spaces is 99% likely a typing mistake. This should obviously not apply to non-user search queries such as the 'Show album' one.
To cater for the unusual case of user-typed queries containing double spaces, perhaps a query string enclosed in quotes could be used exactly as typed and other query strings could have multiple spaces combined automatically.
(09-04-2024 18:19)bubbleguuum Wrote: [ -> ]... This should obviously not apply to non-user search queries such as the 'Show album' one.
My problem occurs when I use the BubbleUPnP/BubbleDS internal song option “Show Album”. I have no chance of manipulating the search term with this.
Thank you anyway for any other hints.
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