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Full Version: Howto confirm that MinimStreamer is transcoding
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I set my stream.transcode to *:wav32 where I expected MinimStreamer to transcode everything to wav32, but my player (rAudio) shows still the original format I think.
How can I make sure this is working, or should I do this per stream, like flac:wav32, mp3:wav32, etc?
My DAC should support 32bit streams
Thanks a lot in advance
The * is for network streams of unspecified type, not local files. You need to specify each audio format separately.
(24-03-2024 10:49)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]The * is for network streams of unspecified type, not local files. You need to specify each audio format separately.
Thanks a lot for your quick reply, i'll try that

Just changed the setting to
aiff:wav32, flac:wav32, mp3:wav32
and the name of the played file changes to */$transcode-32/wav
and the stream is playing the 32bit 48kHz 3.07Mbitps upnp stream, how cool!

Compliments about how quick and well you reply, much appreciated
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