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I'm a new MinimServer user and delighted by it so far.

I just took up the trial offer on MinimStreamer so I could set up radio streams, but the process is not clear.

Am I correct in assuming that a folder needs to be created in the "Music" folder structure for radios? And then, playlist files need to be stored in that folder? But which programme can be used to write such files? Is there a tutorial somwhere?

Many thanks!
The format of the .m3u playlist file is described in this section. There is an #EXTM3U line at the start of the file, followed by a group of two lines for each radio stream. You can place the .m3u file in any folder in your music library and you can have any number of these .m3u files (useful for grouping radio streams into different categories).

It should be simple to create and update the file using a text editor such as Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac.

After making any changes to these .m3u files, you need to do a MinimServer rescan.
Many thanks for the explanation. That looks like a powerful feature. I listen to Internet radio a lot. Conventional music players don't tend to do radio streams very well, or there can be limitations (in particular, streams with track info get interrupted). MinimStreamer looks promising! I'll set it all up during the holiday.
MinimStreamer has been designed to solve these issues with radio streams. For example, it automatically skips over embedded metadata within the stream so that playing is not interrupted. It supports all the many different formats that are used for radio streams and converts these formats into streams that should be suitable for playing on all standard network streaming players, with transcoding options that can be used to compensate for the limitations of some players.

If anything doesn't work as expected when you try this, please post here with the radio stream URL and details of the player you are using.
Looking forward to this. I'll definitely report back how it worked out. Many thanks again!
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