Hello, I am running the latest Minimserver and Minimstreamer on a QNAP X86 NAS with latest OS5 installed.
For some reason, I cannot get FLAC to WAV conversation working. Can anyone help?
Screen shot attached.
These settings look fine. You are transcoding FLAC to WAV using the MinimStreamer internal converter and you are transcoding AAC and ALAC to WAV using FFmpeg. What exactly happens when you play a FLAC file?
(22-11-2023 10:56)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]These settings look fine. You are transcoding FLAC to WAV using the MinimStreamer internal converter and you are transcoding AAC and ALAC to WAV using FFmpeg. What exactly happens when you play a FLAC file?
I have managed to convert FLAC to WAV, but failed with ALAC and AIFF. I am so confused now.
Your configuration is transcoding AAC and ALAC to WAV. It is not transcoding AIFF to WAV.
What exactly happens when you try to play an ALAC file with this configuration?
(23-11-2023 11:05)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]Your configuration is transcoding AAC and ALAC to WAV. It is not transcoding AIFF to WAV.
What exactly happens when you try to play an ALAC file with this configuration?
I have added AIFF:WAV to the config
LUNIN App is still displaying Apple Lossless
After changing transcoding settings, you need to make sure your MInimServer library is reloaded into the LUMIN app. In the Setup pane, select Options under MinimServer in the Music Library section, then select Reload Music Library.
(24-11-2023 11:26)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]After changing transcoding settings, you need to make sure your MInimServer library is reloaded into the LUMIN app. In the Setup pane, select Options under MinimServer in the Music Library section, then select Reload Music Library.
Thank you so much! That solves the issue! I wonder what's the command to covert everything to WAV except DSD?
You need to list all the types separately (as you are currently doing). For local files, the supported types are:
aac, aiff, alac, flac, mp3, mp4, ogg
(25-11-2023 11:20)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]You need to list all the types separately (as you are currently doing). For local files, the supported types are:
aac, aiff, alac, flac, mp3, mp4, ogg
Thank you!