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Full Version: Docker installation with ffmpg ?
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I have the latest version of Minimserver/Minimstreamer installed in a Docker container on Linux which works fine. I would like to try transcoding for which I understand I need ffmpeg/avconv installed. I have downloaded and extracted the static version of ffmpeg as detailed in the Minimserver installation instructions. These instructions go on to say that the executable should be copied to <minim-home>/minimserver/opt/bin - where is this path within the Docker container ? From inside the container (via Portainer) I have /opt/minimserver/opt/bin which is currently empty. Is this the right location/path or should I being doing something different?

Many thanks

Yes, this is the correct path.

Thanks for this confirmation. After copying the ffmpeg executable to this location AND restarting the Docker container in Portainer, I now seem to have ffmpeg enabled in System / stream.converter. Now to experiment.


As an alternative to restarting the container, it should have been sufficient to restart MinimServer using MinimWatch. I will update the ffmpeg installation instructions to clarify this.
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