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Full Version: Sorting Various artists by album title name ignoring the date
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I have configured my sort tags as below.

Album.sortTags={+Artist, +Date}

This works perfectly when I go to an individual artist.

I have grouped all my Various Artists albums by tagging all the albums as Various Artists in the artist tag. It sorts them as expected by Various Artist first then date but for this one artist tag it would be nice to sort them by album title rather than date. Is this possible?
The only way I can think of to do this would be to add another tag to your Various Artists albums such as AlbumTitleSort. You would set this tag to the album title and you would set

Album.sortTags={+Artist, +AlbumTitleSort, +Date}

If you decide to do this, try it with a small number of Various Artists albums first to make sure it is producing the sort order you want.
If you're feeling brave you could try this. Read the following post too as I developed the idea further.

I didn't really want to add any additional tags, plus I wanted the Album description to match too.
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