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Full Version: Only AlbumtArtist, ignore Artist
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Hello, I am trying an number of upnp music players (Jplay for Ios, Mconnect) in combination with Minimserver.

Technically, everything is working fine, but I am runnin ginto the following:
when I ripped my CD-collection, I have added metadata as complete as possible.
I.e. I have an AlbumArtist for all my albums. But I have also at least one (and often more) artist for every album.

As a result I am having far more Artists shown in my music player(s), than the actual number of albums. For me it is unworkable this way.

Is there a way that I can exclude Artists for Artist sorting, and only having Albumartists taken into account?

Based on the documentation, and input on other forums:

This is how my indexTags line in configuration looks like:
AlbumArtist, Date, Genre, Composer, *RecentAdded, *RecentPlayed, #AudioData, #AudioFormat

and this os whow tagValue looks like:

However, this is not resolving my issue.

Any recommendation if and how it can be done would be more than welcome.

(sorry if this has already answered, nut I am a Minimserver newbie, and could not find an answer on this forum).

Thanks in advance

Try using Artist.replace instead of Artist.merge. This will cause your tagged Artist values to be ignored.
Great. Will definitely give this a try.


Thanks very much simoncn

This is exactly what I was looking for.

I do it in the following manner, it works IMHO better.
I remove every AlbumArtist tag.
I split the Artist tag.
In the server properties I do not display the All Artist.
Index Items:
Artist, Genre, Date, ...
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