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Full Version: Transcode selected streams only
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I have Minimserver and streamer running on ubuntu server on a pi. I wondered if it was possible to only transcode particular streams with minimstreamer. I am transcoding AAC (BBC HLS) to mp3 320 (aac:mp3;320k) to enable it to run in a pc game interface that only reads mp3. I also have a rasberry pi running volumio and an AV receiver which I control as upnp renderers using Bubbleupnp. Whilst I can always use the + sign to stream the BBC Dash and HLS url's direct to these hifi separates I wondered if I would be able to leave the minimserver streams as AAC for these whilst transcoding stream copies just for the game. I have made a separate m3u file with copies of the streams I would like to transcode for the game. However the setting in the minimstreamer properties tab (aac:mp3;320k) seems to be a global one for any AAC stream played from any playlist. I currently use the BBC 128 mp3 streams directly in game but these are soon to stop and I will need to use minimstreamer, hence the query. (Thanks BBC)


It sounds like you want to use the stream ID (or perhaps a wildcard expression matching a numnber of stream IDs) as a filter for enabling transcoding. This isn't possible currently but it should be possible to add it as an option in a future version of MinimStreamer.

Please provide specific details of the stream IDs you would like to transcode so that I can design a suitable syntax for doing this.
Thanks for the reply.

You are correct in what I would ideally like to do. So far I have made a copy of my BBC Dash playlist file, which is in the directory specified in my contentdir, and have called it ets2.m3u. I have then renamed the streams within this new file with different id's, for example;

#EXTINF:-1,[R6;aac,48000] BBC Radio 6 Music
#EXTINF:-1,[etsR6;aac,48000] BBC Radio 6 Music

In the game's config file for in game radio streams I then use, for example, this address to play radio 6;*/etsR6 which plays the Dash stream transcoded to mp3 320 as specified by aac:mp3;320k in the properties tab. I figured by using a copy of a stream with a unique id this might allow it to be identified for individual transcoding somehow, or as you say for a group to be identified using a wildcard.

Kind Regards
Thanks for this. I understand what you would like to have and I will think about how this could be provided in a future version of MinimStreamer.
That's great, thanks
It occurred to me that I could solve this easily by having two profiles.
This sounds like a good solution if you are going into "game mode" for some period of time and then changing back to "music mode".
Hello, one question, is it possible to switch minimstreamer only for internet radio?
You can't do this exactly but you can get close by using the * input type to transcode network streams with unspecified type and making sure you haven't specified a stream type for any of your internet radio streams.
(11-05-2023 21:12)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]You can't do this exactly but you can get close by using the * input type to transcode network streams with unspecified type and making sure you haven't specified a stream type for any of your internet radio streams.

Can you show me an example how to insert.
I have different types:
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