Hi there,
1st point:
I have both Minimserver and bubbleupnp server installed on my Synology NAS.
We often see end users install both of them on their device.
I use MConnect (or bubbleUpNp) as player on my smartphone to play music to my DAC (chromecast builtin).
If I stop BubbleUpnp server on my NAS, I see no difference, everything works fine.
So what is Bubbleupnp Server software for?
2nd point:
I'd like to improve listening experience quality.
Some end-users have a SOTM SMS 200 NEO.. Who is able to say how adding this device can improve my listening experience ?
NAS (minimserver/minimstreamer) ---> Chromecast (on my WISA hub (it s like a DAC)) --> hi-fi speakers
NAS (minimserver/minimstreamer) ---> SOTM SMS 200 NEO --> Chromecast --> hi-fi speakers
BubbleUPnP Server is not a media server, it extends and adds compatibility to existing (UPnP and non-UPnP) renderers and UPnP servers.
The reason everything is still working in your environment without BubbleUPnP server, is because the 2 apps you're running have the ability to talk directly to chromecast, if you'd used a spec compliant UPnP control point the chromecasts wouldn't appear, unless you ran BubbleUPnP Server which allows you to turn the Chromecast into a DLNA/UPnP or OpenHome renderer.
Most people install it to add OpenHome functionality to their UPnP renderers so that the playlist queue is held "on renderer" (actually by BubbleUPnP Server), meaning your phone doesn't need to be orchestrating the queue between the server and renderer. Another asset is that it enables you to access your UPnP media server through the internet.
Thx simbun
What can I do to improve sound quality ?
NAS (minimserver/minimstreamer) ---> Chromecast (on my WISA hub (it s like a DAC)) --> hi-fi speakers
NAS (minimserver/minimstreamer) --upnp--> Zidoo Z9x --hdmi --> wisa hub --> hi-fi speakers
NAS (Roon server) ---RAAT--> Zidoo Z9x (roon ready) --hdmi --> wisa hub --> hi-fi speakers
Other ?
(19-01-2022 17:31)adhara Wrote: [ -> ]Thx simbun
What can I do to improve sound quality ?
NAS (minimserver/minimstreamer) ---> Chromecast (on my WISA hub (it s like a DAC)) --> hi-fi speakers
NAS (minimserver/minimstreamer) --upnp--> Zidoo Z9x --hdmi --> wisa hub --> hi-fi speakers
NAS (Roon server) ---RAAT--> Zidoo Z9x (roon ready) --hdmi --> wisa hub --> hi-fi speakers
Other ?
Hi adhara,
This isn't really the place to ask for hardware advice, and I'm certainly not the right person to ask either, but given you said you have WISA speakers (which I assume means the dac, amp and speakers are all in one), then that's probably the only upgrade in the chain where you'll notice an improvement.
Don't waste your money on the digital side (other than for functionality) if you're sticking with WISA.
This assumes there's nothing fundamentally wrong with everything leading up to and including the WISA hub of course.
Hi Simbun,
You're right... I'm happy with my system.
The best is the enemy of good :-)
TV Lg OLED77CX 2020 (Calman) / Zidoo Z9X / Synology 1618+ / SA LEGEND 40 SILVERBACK + SA LEGEND 10 SILVERBACK + Harman Kardon Citation Surround + HUB WISA Axiim Q / POWERGRIP YG-1 V2 / iFi Audio / Amazon Music & MinimServer (NAS)