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Full Version: BBC HLS setup
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I have succeeded in setting up HLS streaming of BBC stations as per:

Thanks very much - managed to follow that and I can play all the streams.

My question now might be very numpty. My BBC Radio folder is a sub folder of my music folder on my NAS.
If I set the content directory to Music then I can see all the stations but I cannot stream a station.
If I set the content directory to the BBC Radio folder then everything is fine except that I cannot access any of my music.

Grateful for a bit of advice here.

Finally, if my music player could play the HLS streams natively would minimstreamer be needed?
You can place the BBC Radio folder anywhere underneath your content directory. If you have done this, I don't understand why you can't play the stations. I suggest you do a MinimServer rescan and make sure your control point has refreshed its view of your music library (how you do this depends on which control point you are using).

If your control point and your renderer (music player) both have native support for HLS streams, you would not need MinimStreamer to play these streams.
(25-07-2021 21:58)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]You can place the BBC Radio folder anywhere underneath your content directory. If you have done this, I don't understand why you can't play the stations. I suggest you do a MinimServer rescan and make sure your control point has refreshed its view of your music library (how you do this depends on which control point you are using).

If your control point and your renderer (music player) both have native support for HLS streams, you would not need MinimStreamer to play these streams.

Thanks for the quick response.. All good now - the Naim app was very slow to pick up the stations and does not play them. The BubbleUPNP control point picks up the stations and plays them fine. I think the Naim players and BubbleUPNP can handle HLS streams. When I am sure I am a solid footing with my current setup I will perhaps try without going through MinimStreamer.
To play these streams on Naim, you need to transcode them to L16, To do this, add aac:L16 to the stream.transcode property and restart MinimServer. This assumes the .m3u file you are using for the streams has #EXTINF lines looking like this:

#EXTINF:-1,[R3;aac,48000] BBC Radio 3
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