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I am presently trying to rename my individual discs in my multidisc albums by using the DISCSUBTITLE tag but I cannot find the field in mp3tag. The nearest I can find are SUBTITLE & SETSUBTITLE, which I have tried but this does not seem to be working as the named discs are still 'Disc 1', 'Disc 2' etc.

Also I cannot find in the guide if I need to change my minimserver settings so this will work. The user guide seems to say if you enter a value in the DISCSUBTITLE tag it will just work.

Thanks as always for any help given.
It should just work if your files contain DISCSUBTITLE tags.

What is the audio format of your files (e.g., MP3, M4A, FLAC, DSF, WAV, etc.)? if the files are MP3 or DSF, are the tags in ID3v2.3 or ID3v2.4 format?
I am presently trying to rename my individual discs in my multidisc albums by using the DISCSUBTITLE tag but I cannot find the field in mp3tag.

You can create your own fields/tags in Mp3tag - Tools, Options, Add Field...
Hello thanks for your replies, my files are all FLAC.

I have been trying to create my own custom tag however the first thing it asks me for is 'Field', and you have to use one of its own preset fields from a list otherwise you cannot proceed. I also thought minimservers 'DISCSUBTITLE' field would directly apply to a field that is already an accepted tag which just required renaming.

There is no DISCSUBTITLE in the list (see pictures) so therefore I have tried using the fields SUBTITLE & SETSUBTITLE, which never worked when populated and only continued to give value 'Disc 1', 'Disc 2' etc.

If what I have been doing should work, are there any settings in minimserver I need to update/change?


Thanks in advance for any help given Big Grin
You need to add DISCUBTITLE to the list of "extended" fields shown by Mp3tag.

In Mp3tag, select View, then Extended Tags. Click the Add field button. This shows a dialog where you can enter Field and Value. (You have already got this far.) Type DISCSUBTITLE into the blank space for Field and type the value that you want into Value.

After you have done this once, DISCSUBTITLE will be available in the drop-down list for Field.
You are a fountain of knowledge and your support is worth the license fee alone!

Thanks mate worked a treat.

If possible when you get time can you please have a look at a couple more quick questions relating to this post?

All the questions relate to displaying the album Title, disc Subtitle & disc number in a certain way. I have put the descriptions of how I would like to display on the photos as it is easier than me trying to explain!!! (Probably not the best examples here because the Artist is the same as the Title)

As always Simon and anyone else who can help, thanks in advance.


Just realised I can change the tag entry for DISCSUBTITLE from "The Demos" to "Disc 2 : The Demos" which will sort part of the problem.
I cannot easily work out whether your screenshots are showing Artist, Album or Title in the places you want to change. Please post examples where these values are different.
Hello Simon, I will post examples but first I am going to try and figure some bits out myself (rather than keep bothering you). I will post back when I have had a good look.

Cheers for helping
(08-02-2021 13:18)redged Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Simon, I will post examples but first I am going to try and figure some bits out myself (rather than keep bothering you). I will post back when I have had a good look.

Cheers for helping

I was intrigued by your observation and request.

However, I failed to find a way to achieve your preferred layout.
It looks like the 'discsubtitle : album' concatenation is fixed.

But don't let my inabilities stop you trying.

Ps - maybe it could be achieved by an entry in the properties file!
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