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repay a post or sending PM not possible
This happens occasionally and is caused by some kind of content filtering either by the forum software or by my hosting service provider. When this happens to me, I remove content from the post until I find the content that is causing the 403. To narrow this down quickly, I usually start by removing each paragraph in turn until the 403 disappears. The content that causes the 403 is not offensive language but some simple sequence of characters that for some odd reason is not acceptable (for example, the word "data" followed by a colon).

I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. I have tried hard to find a solution but so far without success.
(23-12-2020 22:21)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]This happens occasionally and is caused by some kind of content filtering either by the forum software or by my hosting service provider. When this happens to me, I remove content from the post until I find the content that is causing the 403. To narrow this down quickly, I usually start by removing each paragraph in turn until the 403 disappears. The content that causes the 403 is not offensive language but some simple sequence of characters that for some odd reason is not acceptable (for example, the word "data" followed by a colon).

I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. I have tried hard to find a solution but so far without success.

maybe ita was the code of my tagFormat
I have reported this to my hosting provider. I hope they will be able to suggest a solution.

The problem was caused by this string in what you tried to post:

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