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Full Version: Docker build for raspberry pi?
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I'm just looking into moving to minimserver2. I've previously been running in a docker container on raspberry pi and want to check that I can do the same with version 2.

I found the docker build for amd64 on docker hub but can't see the Dockerfile to attempt a build on pi. Does anyone have a built image or the Dockerfile so I could try?
I presume this is an RPi 4. Which operating system are you running?
Yes, pi4 with 4gb ram running raspbian buster
It looks like this is still 32-bit only. Is this correct? Are you currently using the armhf version of MinimServer 0.8?
Yes, it's 32bit.

I'm currently using MinimServer-
A Docker image for 32-bit ARM is now available on Docker Hub. To pull this image, specify docker pull minimworld/minimserver:2.0.16-arm.

MinimServer 2 support for Docker has a few differences (improvements) from how things worked in 0.8. You can find instructions for running a MinimServer 2 Docker image in this section.
That's great, thanks. I will give it a try
Just noticed the "MinimServer 2.0.18 is now available" message on my version running in docker. Is there an updated 2.0.18 docker image, I could only see 2.0.16 on dockehub?
The 2.0.18 image should be available soon. For now, it is fine to use the 2.0.16 image and ignore the warning.
(22-04-2021 22:22)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]The 2.0.18 image should be available soon. For now, it is fine to use the 2.0.16 image and ignore the warning.

I see a 2.0.18-arm image for docker, but the architecture listed is amd64 and fails to run in docker on my pi4B (Ubuntu 20 [64-bit]).

docker create -v /media/Music:/Music:ro --network host --name minimserver minimworld/minimserver:2.0.18-arm
Unable to find image 'minimworld/minimserver:2.0.18-arm' locally
2.0.18-arm: Pulling from minimworld/minimserver
...yada, yada, yada...
Status: Downloaded newer image for minimworld/minimserver:2.0.18-arm
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested

The tags on also show 2.0.18-arm's tag's arch as "amd64".
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