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Full Version: MinimWatch - quits
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I have 4 Synology NAS boxes which sounds very grand but not really as most are old and slow but are good for backups.

When I back up my music library, all NAS are started and as all NAS are copies I end up with 4 minimwatch icons on the task bar (W10). All fine until I start to shut down the 3 old nas boxes. At that point even though my main nas is still active, minimwatch quits entirely and has to be restarted.

I've also sometimes had my laptop running (w10) and the same thing happens there so it's not specific to my pc.

This is a recent thing that has started to happen. I've been using minimserver for quite a few years without this issue, I would say since christmas this has been happening but not before.

Not a major issue but thought I should report it.


Thanks for reporting this. To find out what is causing it I would need to see a MinimWatch debug log. Please do the following:

1) Start all the NASs and start MinimWatch
2) From the MinimWatch minim icon, select Options > Show log (watch)
3) In the log window, change the logging level to Debug
4) Shut down the 3 old NASs, causing MinimWatch to quit
5) Find the minimwatch.log file on your WIndows PC. It is in the folder C:\Users\your-user-name\AppData\Roaming\MinimWatch\data. The AppData folder is hidden by default in Windows Explorer but you can type this full path into the Explorer address bar.
6) Zip the minimwatch.log file to save space and attach the zipped file to a post here

Many thanks.
(01-05-2020 16:55)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for reporting this. To find out what is causing it I would need to see a MinimWatch debug log. Please do the following:

1) Start all the NASs and start MinimWatch
2) From the MinimWatch minim icon, select Options > Show log (watch)
3) In the log window, change the logging level to Debug
4) Shut down the 3 old NASs, causing MinimWatch to quit
5) Find the minimwatch.log file on your WIndows PC. It is in the folder C:\Users\your-user-name\AppData\Roaming\MinimWatch\data. The AppData folder is hidden by default in Windows Explorer but you can type this full path into the Explorer address bar.
6) Zip the minimwatch.log file to save space and attach the zipped file to a post here

Many thanks.
Just had a go at this and I probably don't need to tell you, minimserver behaved normally. The last dozen times I've done this it has quit minimwatch entirely but not when logging was on. I'll try again shortly and simulate a more normal start up-use-shutdown.

Many thanks for trying this. After step 3, please close the log window. Leaving this open could affect the timing. With the window closed, debug messages are still written to the minimserver.log file.
(01-05-2020 17:56)mightyoakbob Wrote: [ -> ]Just had a go at this and I probably don't need to tell you, minimserver behaved normally. The last dozen times I've done this it has quit minimwatch entirely but not when logging was on. I'll try again shortly and simulate a more normal start up-use-shutdown.


I've had this problem none stop for some weeks now, every single time I shut down the 3 NASs Minimwatch quits and has to be restarted. Until I switched on debug log as per your instructions. Since then, no matter how I shut them down I cannot reproduce the problem.

Sorry to have bothered you.


(01-05-2020 19:12)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]Many thanks for trying this. After step 3, please close the log window. Leaving this open could affect the timing. With the window closed, debug messages are still written to the minimserver.log file.
Oh right OK. I'll have a bash again tomorrow if that's OK.


Correction, I meant "....the minimwatch.log file."

It would be good to work out what's happening and hopefully fix it.

When it fails, are you shutting down all 3 NASs at the same time?

If you can make it happen with debug logging disabled, please look in the minimwatch.log file after the shutdown to see if there are any messages there.
(01-05-2020 20:22)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]Correction, I meant "....the minimwatch.log file."

It would be good to work out what's happening and hopefully fix it.

When it fails, are you shutting down all 3 NASs at the same time?

If you can make it happen with debug logging disabled, please look in the minimwatch.log file after the shutdown to see if there are any messages there.
Try as I might this morning I cannot reproduce the issue and even setting log level back to info and closing the window made no difference. Until I reported the problem it had been doing it every single time for many weeks. I conclude that it is likely that I'm not properly simulating what happens after a music back up.
Sorry about wasting your time but at least I now know what to do should it start again.
No problem and I am sorry you have needed to put so much time into this.
(02-05-2020 13:11)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]No problem and I am sorry you have needed to put so much time into this.

This problem has once again been a consistent pain this last couple of weeks.

I thought I would try to capture the log of the event as you described above.
Knowing that in the past changing the log level for minimwatch makes the problem go away I wasn't expecting to get anywhere.

I switched the logging to debug and closed the window and then started to shut down other NAS one at a time. The first two went without issue and then after the 3rd I moved the mouse pointer over the icon on the task bar, this often provokes the problem. To my surprise the remaining minimwatch icons all vanished. Got yah - I thought.

Followed the path the the log file where you said it would be and had a look. I was expecting a great big file full of tech data but no, just a few lines which even I can see tell you next to nothing. See below.

So I re-ran minimwatch and opened the log window to check it was on debug and it was. But that log window was really full of data. I didn't understand but decided to try and save that data.

It didn't go well, the bottom line of the window vanished and the window became locked on screen with no scroll or anything. I couldn't move or close the window.

With no choice I quit minimwatch and restarted it.
Logging was still debug and I managed to save the contents but there is nothing there about other nas starting and stopping.

By coincidence, this morning minimserver on red nas crashed. The message was that java had run out of memory. This has never happened before, if it happens again I'll raise a thread about it.



log here.... what there is of it.

MinimWatch 2.1 update 95, Copyright © 2012-2022 Simon Nash. All rights reserved.
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_331-b09)
Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.331-b09, mixed mode)
Platform default charset is windows-1252
System platform is windows-x64
Active subnet is
Startup complete
MinimServer[RED] is running
starting MinimServer[Purple]
MinimServer[Purple] is running
starting MinimServer[Orange]
starting MinimServer[Blue]
starting MinimServer[White]
MinimServer[Orange] is running
MinimServer[Blue] is running
starting MinimServer[Yellow]
MinimServer[White] is running
MinimServer[Yellow] is running
stopping MinimServer[Yellow]
MinimServer[Yellow] is stopped
stopping MinimServer[Orange]
MinimServer[Orange] is stopped
stopping MinimServer[Purple]
MinimServer[Purple] is stopped
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