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Full Version: Various cover files with multiple albums
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I have the following album structure

Album name - Composer
Album name - Composer\Season01
Album name - Composer\Season02
Album name - Composer\Season03
Album name - Composer\Season04

Each season has its own cover file (cover.jpg). There is also a cover file (cover.jpg) at the root folder. Seasons are tagged with the discnumber tag that corresponds to a season number, example; season01 is tagged with "discnumber" 01.

Using BubbleUPnP, I can see all the seasons as one album (this is good!) but when playing the entire albums starting from the root directory I can only see the cover for season01. When files from season02 are playing, cover art does not change. Looking at the playlist on BubbleUPnP shows season01's cover art for ALL files.

Any ideas how to show each seasons' cover art?

To make this work, you need add a DISCSUBTITLE tag for each season as well as a DISCNUMBER tag. You also need to change the names of the artwork files from cover.jpg to discname.jpg where discname is the value of the DISCSUBTITLE tag for the season. This is explained in this section (see "When displaying a disc...").
Works. Thanks!
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