MinimServer Forum

Full Version: 6 channel (5.1 surround) flac file
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I have your MinimServer installed on my Asustor NAS. I do NOT have MinimumStreamer installed, so I assume no transcoding or down mixing is being performed by MinimumServer.

I have several flac surround sound (6 channel) audio files in my music library. Can I assume all 6 channels are being delivered to the player? In this case, a Blu-ray player with dlna capability.

The files ARE arriving, and playing. Unfortunately I don't have my surround sound system in place yet, so right now I'm getting stereo through my speakers. I am assuming it is the Blu-ray doing the down mixing, or simply extracting 2 channels. I just want to ensure for now the MinimumServer is serving up those files in their full 6 channel glory. Blush


Yes, MinimServer is serving your multichannel files exactly as they are on disk. I don't have a multichannel player, so I have tested this by looking at the data streamed across the network.
(27-02-2019 09:11)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, MinimServer is serving your multichannel files exactly as they are on disk. I don't have a multichannel player, so I have tested this by looking at the data streamed across the network.

Thank you, Simon. I'd hoped that were the case. I did note the bubbleupnp control point installed on my phone (installed after I posted the question) did report original file frequency, bit depth and channels (6). I don't have the technical expertise to "look(ing) at the data streamed across the network." Thank you for that information.
Out of curiosity, it ought to be possible to convert 5.1 to stereo on the fly via ffmpeg? I have a few 5/7.1 rips for which I have created stereo versions via dbpoweramp, as my Linn streamers will not play multi-channel FLAC.

I just tried setting convOut=-ac 2 for stream.options and enabling transcoding as flac:wav;, and the syntax was approved by Minimwatch, but my Linn streamer is not playing any multi-channel files.

It may be that even if this works, the end result may not be ideal, but as a technical exercise, I thought it might be possible to get this to work?
If you do this by using convOut, the audio data should be converted to stereo but the metadata sent to the Linn streamer would still be identifying the file as multichannel. This might be the reason why the Linn streamer isn't accepting the file as valid.
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