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Full Version: Problems with using Artist as an indexTag
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I have always included Artist as one of my indexTags in MinimServer, but have never made use of it. Having just tried it out, it doesn't look that great, as so many of my Artist tags contain a list of artists separated by semi-colons (my collection is mainly classical music). Only those artists who are listed first are easily discoverable in an alphabetical list.

Is there any way to generate a simple and indexable list of ALL the artists who are quoted in my Artist tags?

I realise that I could partly resolve this by ensuring that I always set values for the Conductor and Orchestra tags, but that still leaves plenty of other artist categories for which there could be multiple names for any given CD.
I have just discovered the solution via another thread. Simon has already addressed this issue! All I need is to add 'All Artists' to the indexTags property (instead of 'Artists'). An alphaGroup setting of 'All Artists' makes it even better.

Isn't MinimServer wonderful!
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