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Full Version: best practice for classical music
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(23-09-2018 22:19)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]
(23-09-2018 17:57)haggis999 Wrote: [ -> ]You may find the attached notes useful. I created them to help me remember the purpose of each of my chosen settings. This 4 page summary was derived from Simon's online user guide, which is the equivalent of around 70 A4 pages of text and can be quite hard to navigate, as the hypertext format lacks any global search facility.

I find Google quite useful for this. Smile

Hi Simon,
I take your point, but Google searches always throw up a lot of irrelevant results. Searching a conventional non-hypertext document is much slicker. This is why I spent an hour or so copying all your online text and pasting it into a single Word document, before generating my own summary notes. Being able to rapidly search the entire user guide made a big difference during this process.

Obviously, that Word document is now out of date, but that is of no consequence, as my MinimServer configuration seldom changes. If I want to tweak any settings, my summary notes will probably provide all the guidance I require.
What I meant was that you can use Google to search a specific site for keywords, in this case the site

For example, to search for "composer" on the site (including the MinimServer forum), you can enter:


If you want to exclude forum posts from your search, you can enter:

(24-09-2018 09:33)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]What I meant was that you can use Google to search a specific site for keywords, in this case the site

For example, to search for "composer" on the site (including the MinimServer forum), you can enter:


If you want to exclude forum posts from your search, you can enter:


I never knew you could do that with a Google search, so many thanks for that very useful advice.
It's a pity that there are no screenshots that show how it looks like in Kazoo, for example, or other controls.
(04-02-2020 18:57)JPO2005 Wrote: [ -> ]It's a pity that there are no screenshots that show how it looks like in Kazoo, for example, or other controls.

Here a Lumïn app screenshot (on iPad)
Do you still want to show your settings in Minim?
(05-02-2020 18:25)JPO2005 Wrote: [ -> ]Do you still want to show your settings in Minim?

here are my settings

I have a mix of ALAC, FLAC and DSF files and with this configuration I can "surf" my library in any direction I like

.... Minimserver is a wonderful software ....

aliasTags ContentGroup:Grouping

contentDir /media/xxxxxxxx/LaCieMusica/Audio
displayName MinimServer[zzzzzzzzz]
indexTags Period, Genre, Style, Composer, Grouping:Works, Conductor, Orchestra, Soloists, Instrument, AlbumArtist:Album Artist, All Artists, Decade, Date:Rec Year, Comment, #AudioFormat:Audio Format, #AudioQuality:Audio Quality
itemTags Artist, ARTISTS, #AudioDuration, tracknumber, tracktotal
listViewAlbums 1
mergeFolderAlbums false
tagOptions Album.sortTags={AlbumArtist, Album}, Decade.decade.index, Date.yearOnly.*
tagValue Artist.merge={AlbumArtist, ARTISTS, Soloists, Conductor, Orchestra}, Decade.default={Date}

delayStart 15

showExtras true
startupScan true
tagCustom all.display.multiTag, Composer.displayRole={artist}
tagFormat Album.displayFormat={$album^$#AudioQuality^ [^]}
Thanks a lot I will try it
(24-09-2018 00:11)haggis999 Wrote: [ -> ]
(23-09-2018 22:19)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]
(23-09-2018 17:57)haggis999 Wrote: [ -> ]You may find the attached notes useful. I created them to help me remember the purpose of each of my chosen settings. This 4 page summary was derived from Simon's online user guide, which is the equivalent of around 70 A4 pages of text and can be quite hard to navigate, as the hypertext format lacks any global search facility.

I find Google quite useful for this. Smile

Hi Simon,
I take your point, but Google searches always throw up a lot of irrelevant results. Searching a conventional non-hypertext document is much slicker. This is why I spent an hour or so copying all your online text and pasting it into a single Word document, before generating my own summary notes. Being able to rapidly search the entire user guide made a big difference during this process.

Obviously, that Word document is now out of date, but that is of no consequence, as my MinimServer configuration seldom changes. If I want to tweak any settings, my summary notes will probably provide all the guidance I require.

There is a feature in google which make search focused on a website

You just type, as an example, ini the search box:


so google wiill return results only on whatever is after ste:
Pages: 1 2
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