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Full Version: ungrouped sorting on date
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I have added date to my indextags. I have also added Date.decade.index to my tagoptions. When I select Date in my control point (which is BubbleDS Next) I get a grouped list with all the decades. So far all is well.

However, what I want is an ungrouped list with descending dates. So one long list of all my albums from newest to oldest. I have spent some time on this, but haven't found a way to do this.

Main use of this feature for me is that I use the 'Comment' tag as the date on which I added the album to my library (I would put '2017-05' in the 'comment'-field if I added an album today). So with descending sorting order, I would see my newest music on top of the list. There is no convenience at all in having a grouped list here.

Hope someone is able to explain how to achieve this. It is possible with alphabetic lists, so why not with date lists?

Do you want a descending list of Date tags or a descending list of Comment tags? Also, do you want the decade index in addition to this?
(26-05-2017 20:48)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]Do you want a descending list of Date tags or a descending list of Comment tags? Also, do you want the decade index in addition to this?

Hello Simon,

Preferably, I would like to see the option to have ungrouped lists for both. Something like a Date.all.index, which could be sorted ascending descending.

I realise that the Comment tag is probably not seen as a date as such, but seems to give similar results (although I may not have seen decades, I am unsure). It does however show grouped lists, which I would like to get rid of. I don't think I need decades in the Comment tag.

In fact, a standard function to keep track of new additions to the library, would be a
great function to have in Minimserver. I suspect it could be done easier (making use of the day created property of the music files perhaps).

I hope you can suggest a solution.

You can have Date grouped or ungrouped but not both at the same time. If you want a decade index (grouped) as well as a date index (ungrouped), you should do the following:

1) add Decade to indexTags
2) add Decade.decade.index to tagOptions
3) add Decade.default={Date} to tagValue
4) remove Date.decade.index from tagOptions

With these changes, Date and Comment will be ungrouped and Decade will be grouped. To display Comment as a descending list, use -Comment in indexTags instead of Comment.

Having MinimServer keep track of recently added items is on my to-do list for a future version of MinimServer.
Hi Simon,

I tried what you said. The Comment and Date tags are still grouped, but different than before.

For instance, when I select 'Comment' I now get a list of every single yyyy-mm combination I have used in the past. What I am hoping to get instead, is one long list of albums sorted descending in time.

Is that possible?

This is how it is supposed to work. I don't know what you had before and I don't understand how changing Comment to -Comment in indexTags could change anything except the order of the dates in the list under Comment.
OK, understood.

But I hope we agree that the lists are still grouped. My albums are shown in groups added in the same month. It is not one long list like when you select albums from the main search tree.
In alphabetical sorted lists by default there is no grouping at all. When I select albums for instance, by default I get one long list of all my albums, hence no grouping. I need to make changes to get any grouping (for instance by adding albums to alphagroup).

I had hoped that there was a way get a similar ungrouped view for date-sorted lists, but I should probably accept that this is how it is.

I do appreciate your effort trying to help me with this issue very much. Thank you for that.

You can have all ungrouped album lists sorted by the Date tag (in descending order) by putting the following in tagOptions:

Album.sortTags={Date, Album, Artist}

or you can have all ungrouped album lists sorted by the Comment tag (in descending order) by putting the following in tagOptions:

Album.sortTags={-Comment, Album, Artist}

You cannot have some ungrouped album lists sorted one way and other ungrouped album lists sorted a different way.
Hi Simon,

While it has become clear that what I was hoping for is not possible, your last suggestion is very interesting. After some thinking it has become clear to me that I am not particularly interested in the order of my albums. In fact, I usually select the album I want with search function anyway. Arranging the album order so that the newest music is on top is a perfectly good solution for me.

Only problem I am left with is that I can't get it to work. Maybe I've spent too much time in the sun the last days, but for some reason my newest music does not come up on top (whereas the order is correct when I select the Comment tag directly). I am sure I am doing something wrong though. Will try again tomorrow.

Thanks for your support.
If you have put -Comment in either indexTags or Album.sortTags, any albums that don't have a Comment tag will appear at the start of the album list. Is this what you are seeing?
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