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Full Version: Album not displaying if same as artist, in index view (Naim)
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Hi one 'n' all,

Stumped by this issue, maybe someone can point me in the right direction...

(on Naim app) When an album is the same as the artist (eg: Led Zeppelin I - IV, Peter Gabriel 1 - 4, debut albums by many bands...), it does not display correctly in Index view. It DOES in Display view (now playing, playlists).

I've read the manual, tried playing around with tagFormat, and other options, but no joy.

A possible complicating factor (although maybe not): I preface my album tags with the date (works better in iTunes).

So, an album index list for artist Led Zeppelin should appear as:
1968 - Led Zeppelin I
1969 - Led Zeppelin II
1970 - Led Zeppelin III (2014 remaster)
1975 - Physical Graffiti

But it actually displays as (with album covers correctly displayed):
1968 -
1969 -
1970 -
1975 - Physical Graffiti

How can this be corrected? (I know - its more annoying than tragic)

All best wishes folks.

(and my thanks to the creators of this software!)
Can you try browsing your library using a different control point such as Linn Kinsky to see if you have the same issue there?
(23-05-2017 13:56)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]Can you try browsing your library using a different control point such as Linn Kinsky to see if you have the same issue there?

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't have access to any other control points, unfortunately. I'm in rural Australia.

I've been running the Naim app for 2 yrs or more, through various upgrades, and its always shown exactly this same error. I've just ignored it.

Could it be some XML incompatibility? The issues discussed in tagFormat (in user guide) did seem to come closest to pertaining (difference between index and display formats). Seems to be some kind of 'cancelling if same text string found' issue between Artist and Album. Is there any tagOption or tagFormat I could try that may work around it? (My best guesses)

If you have an iPad/iPhone or an Android device, you can download the Linn Kinsky app (it's free). This would confirm whether the problem is related to MinimServer or the Naim app.
(23-05-2017 23:22)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]If you have an iPad/iPhone or an Android device, you can download the Linn Kinsky app (it's free). This would confirm whether the problem is related to MinimServer or the Naim app.

Ah, yes - sorry, didn't realise that was what you were suggesting.

The answer: Works 100% fine on the Kinsky app.

So is the issue in how MinimServer 'talks' to Naim app (and hence maybe a workaround)? Or should I ask the Naim folks? Where to from here?
Thanks for confirming this. This means that the issue is not related to MinimServer but is a problem with the Naim app.

I think it is likely that the Naim app is trying to compensate for the following tagging pattern:

ALBUM=album name - artist name
ARTIST=artist name

and is trying to "help" by removing the duplication in this case. You should be able to confirm this by talking with Naim technical support.
Thanks very much for your thoughts on this. I'll contact Naim and see what they have to suggest. I'll reply here if I find anything more.
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