What software do people use for editing tags?
I am currently using Media Monkey, but this is not a particularly effective solution.
Thank you.
(24-12-2012 16:52)RSJ Wrote: [ -> ]What software do people use for editing tags?
I am currently using Media Monkey, but this is not a particularly effective solution.
Thank you.
If you have a Windows PC, Mp3tag is very good. Despite its name, it isn't limited to MP3 files.
Its the best one out there! Merry Xmas
Jaikoz is available for Mac and Windows and after a little time to get used to it I find it very comfortable and powerful.
I agree with others that mp3tag is good on Windows.
For big jobs, I often use JRiver MediaCenter, which I use to manage my library and play through an attached DAC. (Warning: JRMC costs money.) The advantage of JRMC is that, like most database programs, it maintains an index of tags, which makes it simpler to edit large numbers of tags simultaneously, or to do things like find slightly different spellings of an artist's name.
When using regular expressions on a single album's tags, I find that mp3tag is easier . . . the regular expression syntax of JRMC is a little convoluted.
For linux, Ex Falso is very good, and supports multiple tags (in fact, you can create any tag you want).
I think it's available for windows (search Ex Falso or Quodlibet on you favorite search engine).
Happy new year
(01-01-2013 20:11)Raphaël Thévenin Wrote: [ -> ]For linux, Ex Falso is very good, and supports multiple tags (in fact, you can create any tag you want).
I think it's available for windows (search Ex Falso or Quodlibet on you favorite search engine).
Happy new year
I have tried downloading this software (the Windows version), but the download will not complete.
I installed Windows on my Mac just so that I could run mp3tag - it's that good.