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Full Version: Installing metaflac on a NAS
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hello all

I have starting a prototype to change the tags of files which are on a NAS, using web serveur and php.

I use the getID3 library which is great for browsing, but, according to his author, more difficult for writing tags.

My files are either flac or dsf, no other type.

To write tags for flac files, getID3 uses the metaflac shell command.

Does someone knows how to install on my Qnap ? (knowing that ipkg is no longer supported)

Thx if someone did it


I found a workaround : using ffmeg, which is available on NAS. cf.

Of course, the drawback is that is does not only change the tag, it reencod the whole file. But it roughly seems to be the same, at least on a small sample.

Now, a question for Simon : there have been a lot of discussion about separating multiple artists.

As I am not using a standard program, but developping mine, what separator shoud I use between all artist values so that minimserver understands the multiple artists case ? Again, this will go into the -metadata artist= of the ffmpeg command.

MinimServer doesn't use any separator but relies on the tagging program creating multiple tag values. Each tagging program seems to use a different separator to represent multiple values. I think you will need to ask someone from the ffmpeg community about how ffmpeg does this.

You can use the -acodec copy option to tell ffmpeg not to re-encode the audio data.
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