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Full Version: Tagging Conundrum
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I have just had to rebuild my ReadyNAS NV2+. I have successfully installed Minimserver on it.

But I have no clue as to how to set the options so that , in Kinsky,
when I click on "Artist", I initially want to get a sorted by alphabet column of choices. For instance, if I click on "A", a list of all the artists whose name begins with "A" appears. If I then click on "Animal Collective", a list of all the Animal collective albums on the NAS appears.

What do I have to set the various properties to achieve this? I need to know what to enter into the following property fields to achieve this:
Alias Tag
Index Tag
Item Tag
Tag Options
Tag value

I'm sorry if this is a stupid query, but I am not the most tech savvy bloke(-:

You can do this by putting the value 'artist' in the alphaGroup property and restarting MinimServer. See this section for details of how to use the alphaGroup property.
(27-08-2016 21:25)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]You can do this by putting the value 'artist' in the alphaGroup property and restarting MinimServer. See this section for details of how to use the alphaGroup property.

Thanks for that. I appreciate it.

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