MinimServer Forum

Full Version: Moderation for new users
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Because of a recent significant increase in spam posting, the first post from all newly registered users will require approval from a forum moderator before the post becomes visible.

After this first post has been approved, subsequent posts from the same user will become visible immediately without needing moderator approval.

My apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Just in case, you might want to have a look at StopForumSpam plugin for MyBB: (if it's not already installed ;-)
(27-12-2012 20:01)Alekz Wrote: [ -> ]Just in case, you might want to have a look at StopForumSpam plugin for MyBB: (if it's not already installed ;-)

Thanks for this suggestion. I had considered this, but I was concerned about the possibility of false positives causing inconvenience to genuine users. If the amount of spam increases significantly, I might try installing this.

First-post moderation is currently disabled because the number of spam posts has been fairly low recently. I might reactivate it at any time without prior notice if I see an increase in spam activity.
I've been using SFS for both MyBB and WordPress for a couple of years. Not very useful for WP, but I can't leave without it on MyBB. No spammers at all except a couple of very "manual" ones.
(27-12-2012 23:57)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ]First-post moderation is currently disabled because the number of spam posts has been fairly low recently. I might reactivate it at any time without prior notice if I see an increase in spam activity.

Because of a recent increase in spam activity, I have reactivated first-post moderation. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause for genuine forum users.
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