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When I rip an album like a Mercury Living Presence with multiple classical works how can I tag it so it shows as an album rather than all individual works ?
(30-06-2016 17:06)rogerdn Wrote: [ -> ]When I rip an album like a Mercury Living Presence with multiple classical works how can I tag it so it shows as an album rather than all individual works ?

If the works have the same Album tag and are in the same folder, they will automatically be merged into a single album.

If the works have the same Album tag and are split across different folders, you would need to set the mergeFolderAlbums property to true and you would need to ensure that the works have an consistent Artist or AlbumArtist tag value.

For full details of how this works, see this section.
Could you elaborate on what you mean by 'ensure the works have an consistent Artist or AlbumArtist tag value' please.
(01-07-2016 20:35)rogerdn Wrote: [ -> ]Could you elaborate on what you mean by 'ensure the works have an consistent Artist or AlbumArtist tag value' please.

As I said in my previous post, this is described in this section. See the bullet point starting "The artist values are the same".
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