Hi, I'm looking for a solution to to a general usage problem I have for DLNA/UPnP-based music consumption. The way I use my system I have the following issues:
- I almost always see tag errors while I am trying to play (listen) to somthing and search the collection with either the remote control or the app on my tablet. I want to correct the tags immediatly, not create paper lists to work through later at my computer.
- I sometimes find older albums ripped in a bad resolution and I'd like to delete them immediatey from the music library through my remote control/tablet app.
Does anyone have a solution or a method that works and is user friendly? I'm asking in minim-forum because I guess there can only be a server-side solution due to the architecture of DLNA/UPnP. Maybe even a dedicated solution, I don't know if DLNA/UPnP allows services that modify the source data, given that this needs some kind of security mechanism.
Rgds, Antony
Jriver MediaCenter lets you edit tags using the jremote app on an iPad. You have to be running MediaCenter on a Windows PC or Mac.
(17-02-2016 15:57)antonmb Wrote: [ -> ]Jriver MediaCenter lets you edit tags using the jremote app on an iPad. You have to be running MediaCenter on a Windows PC or Mac.
The problem with this is that don't get the Intelligent Browsing capabilities of MinimServer when you run Media Center/JRemote as your UPnP control point. You will see the contents of your MinimServer library but this has been imported into Media Center and you will get the Media Center browsing experience.
You could work around this by running JRemote for tag editing and some other UPnP control point app for browsing and playing.
(17-02-2016 15:57)antonmb Wrote: [ -> ]Jriver MediaCenter lets you edit tags using the jremote app on an iPad. You have to be running MediaCenter on a Windows PC or Mac.
Thanks for the feedback, though I don't find the JRiver page very clear about what their product does, I see there is an android app too, so it could come in question for me. No JRiver server Synology package though, some ideas in their forum, but thats all. I stay stuck with a running pc in the house which is not my preferred scenario. I really would like something based on tablet (android preferred) and a NAS so I don't have yet another pc running 24x7 in the house.
Regarding JRemote: do you have any experience whether it handles tags properly. I've experienced many tablet tag-apps that messed up things when I check the tags afterwards in mp3tag (for example).
I have done some limited tagging with jremote, like fixing a track title or changing a genre, but I only use it occasionally if I notice a minor discrepancy while browsing in Kazoo. I use minimserver on a synology to play my music, not jriver - I only use jriver for tagging and some conversion activities. Yes, jriver has to be running on a PC or Mac.
Well I guess another alternative to tag from my sofa is to find a samba client to connect the tablet to the NAS music folder and then get a good app for tagging music on the tablet (a discussion that belongs to another thread).
(18-02-2016 08:06)arober02 Wrote: [ -> ]Well I guess another alternative to tag from my sofa is to find a samba client to connect the tablet to the NAS music folder and then get a good app for tagging music on the tablet (a discussion that belongs to another thread).
I don't see any need for another thread. The title of this thread seems very appropriate for the discussion.
I did a quick web search and I found some Android apps that do tag editing. Audio Tagger has a good spec and good feedback. I don't know whether these apps would work in conjunction with a Samba client. If not, this is an opportunity for someone.
(18-02-2016 10:32)simoncn Wrote: [ -> ] (18-02-2016 08:06)arober02 Wrote: [ -> ]Well I guess another alternative to tag from my sofa is to find a samba client to connect the tablet to the NAS music folder and then get a good app for tagging music on the tablet (a discussion that belongs to another thread).
I don't see any need for another thread. The title of this thread seems very appropriate for the discussion.
I did a quick web search and I found some Android apps that do tag editing. Audio Tagger has a good spec and good feedback. I don't know whether these apps would work in conjunction with a Samba client. If not, this is an opportunity for someone.
Well, it seems it's not so easy to mount a fileshare to some local filepath under android. I could not find a single app doing that, even with root access. So that idea dies too, i guess i'll have to buy a windows 10 tablet soon. :-(
Regarding the 'new thread', what I meant was that a discussion about tagging apps for android might not be best placed in the minim forum. There are android forums for such topics.