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Full Version: Download Problem
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I have made a donation. I had no response from any of the three download option buttons. Can anybody help?
(10-01-2015 18:35)akla40 Wrote: [ -> ]I have made a donation. I had no response from any of the three download option buttons. Can anybody help?

Which browser are you using? Does the browser have JavaScript enabled? Can you try another browser?
I wanted to download the MS to my Ipad. I googled and opened the MinimServer website. Made a donation and could not download. I don't know whether or not the browser is JavaScript enabled.
(10-01-2015 19:12)akla40 Wrote: [ -> ]I wanted to download the MS to my Ipad. I googled and opened the MinimServer website. Made a donation and could not download. I don't know whether or not the browser is JavaScript enabled.

MinimServer doesn't run on the iPad. You will need to download it to a computer and install it on a computer or NAS by following the instructions on this page.
Thanks for your help.
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