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I've set up a View by Quality option in Minimserver which I really like. It basically displays LC (Lossy Albums). CD (CD Quality Albums) and then CD+ and HD for albums that are higher than CD quality. My question is this. What is the difference between CD+ and HD and what determines which catagory the album is displayed under? The reason I ask is because I have the new Led Zeppelin 24Bit remasters. Led Zep 1, 2 and 4 come under HD and Led Zep 3 displays under CD+. Why is this? They're all 24Bit/96k files so what's causing 1 album not to display under the HD catagory?

Is there a way to combine the CD+ and HD folders or is there actually some quality difference between the 2?
(09-11-2014 20:06)leighton buzzard Wrote: [ -> ]I've set up a View by Quality option in Minimserver which I really like. It basically displays LC (Lossy Albums). CD (CD Quality Albums) and then CD+ and HD for albums that are higher than CD quality. My question is this. What is the difference between CD+ and HD and what determines which catagory the album is displayed under? The reason I ask is because I have the new Led Zeppelin 24Bit remasters. Led Zep 1, 2 and 4 come under HD and Led Zep 3 displays under CD+. Why is this? They're all 24Bit/96k files so what's causing 1 album not to display under the HD catagory?

Is there a way to combine the CD+ and HD folders or is there actually some quality difference between the 2?

In the current version of MinimServer, HD is 24/88200 or more and CD+ is more than 16/44100. What are the formats (FLAC, ALAC, WAV, AIFF. etc.) of your 4 Led Zeppelin albums?

This is changing in the next release to move all 24-bit files into the HD category. See this post.
All 4 of the the Led Zep albums are 24/96000 (FLAC). All purchased from the same website, which is why I don't understand why one is in the CD+ catagory with the rest in HD.

I'll wait and see what happens with the next release.
(09-11-2014 22:49)leighton buzzard Wrote: [ -> ]All 4 of the the Led Zep albums are 24/96000 (FLAC). All purchased from the same website, which is why I don't understand why one is in the CD+ catagory with the rest in HD.

I'll wait and see what happens with the next release.

I can't think of any reason why a 24/96000 FLAC file would be identified as CD+. I think it's unlikely that the next release will change the handling of this file but we can wait and see what happens. Is it possible that you have another copy of this album with lower resolution?
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