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Full Version: How to organize and tag classical music
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(09-05-2016 22:52)DavidHB Wrote: [ -> ]I absolutely agree. My main frustration with MP3Tag at present is that I can't persuade it to run under Wine in Linux.
I use Puddletag on Linux. It's similar to mp3tag.

As to the rest of this discussion, I believe you either have to have a 'Composition' (I use 'Work') tag, or usurp Album (and hence AlbumArtist) for Composition. Since I don't want to lose the Album concept, the extra tag is needed. I extend this by adding 'WorkArtist' - the primary Artist(s) on the Work, and use AlbumArtist for the main artist of the whole Album (or 'Various' if none).

In MinimServer there is also the Group tag, which can serve for 'Composition', but has some minor constraints of its own (particularly where an Album contains more than one version of a Composition).

Consistency is everything in tagging. Tedious, but the benefits are too good to excuse not putting the effort in.
(10-05-2016 07:57)Pastim Wrote: [ -> ]I use Puddletag on Linux. It's similar to mp3tag.

Similar, but not as fully featured. And it's nice to be able to use already familiar software on the different platform.

(10-05-2016 07:57)Pastim Wrote: [ -> ]As to the rest of this discussion, I believe you either have to have a 'Composition' (I use 'Work') tag, or usurp Album (and hence AlbumArtist) for Composition. Since I don't want to lose the Album concept, the extra tag is needed.

I fully agree.

(10-05-2016 07:57)Pastim Wrote: [ -> ]In MinimServer there is also the Group tag, which can serve for 'Composition', but has some minor constraints of its own (particularly where an Album contains more than one version of a Composition).

I think that both 'Group' and 'Composition' are needed. 'Group' is for when you are looking at complete albums and want to select a logical group of tracks (e.g all the movements of a symphony) from within the album. 'Composition' is for when you are browsing by another route (most often in my case via Composer) and the album identity of the work you are browsing to is of less interest - indeed the whole purpose may be to identify all the performances of the work in your library, so that you can choose between them.

(10-05-2016 07:57)Pastim Wrote: [ -> ]Consistency is everything in tagging. Tedious, but the benefits are too good to excuse not putting the effort in.


(10-05-2016 14:02)DavidHB Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-05-2016 07:57)Pastim Wrote: [ -> ]I use Puddletag on Linux. It's similar to mp3tag.
Similar, but not as fully featured. And it's nice to be able to use already familiar software on the different platform.
Such is life. Personally I find puddletag better than mp3tag. I use several purpose-made scripts, which are similar in both tools. I've not found anything it can't do that I need, yet....
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