(13-12-2014 14:33)Ghieri Wrote: [ -> ] (11-12-2014 21:46)Pastim Wrote: [ -> ]Strange. It works on my Android BubbleUPnP (latest version). I can play an Album, or a Group in it. There must either be some settings difference or a software version issue.
There are several ways to play an album in bubbleUPnP.
The way I am used to is entering the album (by short-pressing it) and then pressing the "play" button at the top, or pressing the first track within the album. As I described in my recent post, only non-grouped tracks will play then.
Now I found that there is a way an album consisting of groups will play well on my equipment: selecting the album (by long-pressing it) and then press the "play" button, which appears if one or more albums are selected.
I think this second way is rather long-winded and thus not very satisfying for me.
This behaviour is repeatable with various instances of minimserver (Synology NAS and Raspberry), on various renderers and with various brands of Android devices. I also tried a fresh install of minimserver with the default settings, and used fresh installs of the latest BubbleUPnP version on all Android devices as well.
Am I doing something wrong? Pastim, what is your way to play an album?
I'm testing using the current minimserver, bubbleupnp 2.1.2 on Android 4.4.4 on a smartphone using its local renderer, connected by wifi.
If I go through the indexes and find a set of Albums, there are 3 dots in a vertical line to the right of each one. I click on that to play (or play next or whatever) the Album. If I click on the Album I get to the Groups. I play them in exactly the same way - click on the dots to the right. If I click on the Group I get to it's tracks and I can play them in the same way. In addition I can play the whole Group which is shown at the top of the list.
One thing that I now realise is different from you is that I made a policy decision on my tagging that all tracks in my classical library are in Groups, even if a Group of only one track. Conversely all tracks in my other libraries are not in Groups. However, I'd be surprised if this was an issue.
In fact I hardly ever use bubbleupnp, since my main control point is on linux (upplay) and controls my hi-fi renderer.
(13-12-2014 16:52)Pastim Wrote: [ -> ]...
If I go through the indexes and find a set of Albums, there are 3 dots in a vertical line to the right of each one. I click on that to play (or play next or whatever) the Album. If I click on the Album I get to the Groups. I play them in exactly the same way - click on the dots to the right. If I click on the Group I get to it's tracks and I can play them in the same way. In addition I can play the whole Group which is shown at the top of the list.
Thank you for the detailled response.
I think I got it now - my old habit using the "play" button in BubbleUPnP just seems to be the only way getting into trouble when playing albums with groups. I have to switch to the three-dots-method you described.
First: great program.
The different categories of classical music can be found much better with, par example, the control point Kinsky.
The problem is that I can not find the tag "Composition" in the index.
What does work are the search categories: Artists, composer, conductor, orchestra, etc. And the "group" function works perfectly.
But I prefer to search like this: Composer -> Composition -> Conductor -> etc.
"What I tried: Other tagprogramma MP3tag and Musichi.
For example: Composition - H.075 Requiem Op. 05 Grande Messe des morts (1838)
Still, I can not look at composition.
Logfile gives no error.
One clue is the config file it says:
minimserver.lastIndexTags = Artist, Date, Genre, All Artists, Composer, Conductor, Orchestra
I can not change the file because it rewrites minimserver restart.
Minimwatch leave me alone with the properties:
delay start
I don't think the correct property is there.
What am I missing?
I minimserver installed on Synology DS215J and minimwatch on Windows7. Kinksy runs on an iPad.
(28-11-2015 11:18)Gerbonb Wrote: [ -> ]First: great program.
The different categories of classical music can be found much better with, par example, the control point Kinsky.
The problem is that I can not find the tag "Composition" in the index.
What does work are the search categories: Artists, composer, conductor, orchestra, etc. And the "group" function works perfectly.
But I prefer to search like this: Composer -> Composition -> Conductor -> etc.
"What I tried: Other tagprogramma MP3tag and Musichi.
For example: Composition - H.075 Requiem Op. 05 Grande Messe des morts (1838)
Still, I can not look at composition.
Logfile gives no error.
One clue is the config file it says:
minimserver.lastIndexTags = Artist, Date, Genre, All Artists, Composer, Conductor, Orchestra
I can not change the file because it rewrites minimserver restart.
Minimwatch leave me alone with the properties:
delay start
I don't think the correct property is there.
What am I missing?
I minimserver installed on Synology DS215J and minimwatch on Windows7. Kinksy runs on an iPad.
If you have a tag added named "composition", you should add "composition" to IndexTags ( Artist, Date, Genre, All Artists, Composer, Conductor, Orchestra, Composition)
(28-11-2015 11:18)Gerbonb Wrote: [ -> ]One clue is the config file it says:
minimserver.lastIndexTags = Artist, Date, Genre, All Artists, Composer, Conductor, Orchestra
I can not change the file because it rewrites minimserver restart.
You should not edit the minimserver.config and minimwatch.config files directly. This is likely to cause problems and might make MinimServer or MinimWatch fail in unpredictable ways. To make changes to MinimServer properties or MinimWatch properties, you should use the MinimWatch graphical interface.
It Works! I forgot to bypass my firewall, so Minimwatch couldn't connect to the MinimServer.
Lovely all the posibilities.
I am happy to share my experience with tagging classical music and you'll understand why i ended up using minimserver and nothing else.
I tagged my music with Foobar that is highly flexible. For Classical musical i created additional fields like area (Baroque, Classical, middle-age, etc...), performer (I use the composer as artist), instruments, tone, country. And for title, i reference the catalog number when it exists rather than a name (BWV for Bach, RV for Vivaldi, etc...) and i created a movement field. It is created with a number to indicate which movement it is and additional info like adagio, andante, etc...
I have done that to be able to find quickly in Foobar a given composition. Other name commonly used is refered as a comment.
Then i had to find a server able to display this information in a readable manner. In Minimserver, i have merged title and movement to see what i was playing. Anyway, the track number puts everything in the right order, but it is useful to see what you listen.
The only thing i am missing in minimserver is conditional choice. For exemple, i would like to do actions only if the track belongs to classical music. It would enable me to have the right view for each type of music.
If any of you have an idea, he is welcome !
I used Cambridge CXU as a renderer, Bubbleupnp as control point and Synology
(05-02-2016 09:49)Suth Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
I am happy to share my experience with tagging classical music and you'll understand why i ended up using minimserver and nothing else.
I tagged my music with Foobar that is highly flexible. For Classical musical i created additional fields like area (Baroque, Classical, middle-age, etc...), performer (I use the composer as artist), instruments, tone, country. And for title, i reference the catalog number when it exists rather than a name (BWV for Bach, RV for Vivaldi, etc...) and i created a movement field. It is created with a number to indicate which movement it is and additional info like adagio, andante, etc...
I have done that to be able to find quickly in Foobar a given composition. Other name commonly used is refered as a comment.
Then i had to find a server able to display this information in a readable manner. In Minimserver, i have merged title and movement to see what i was playing. Anyway, the track number puts everything in the right order, but it is useful to see what you listen.
The only thing i am missing in minimserver is conditional choice. For exemple, i would like to do actions only if the track belongs to classical music. It would enable me to have the right view for each type of music.
If any of you have an idea, he is welcome !
I used Cambridge CXU as a renderer, Bubbleupnp as control point and Synology
Thanks for sharing this. Can you give some examples of the actions you would like to do for classical music only?
(05-02-2016 09:49)Suth Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
I am happy to share my experience with tagging classical music and you'll understand why i ended up using minimserver and nothing else.
I tagged my music with Foobar that is highly flexible. For Classical musical i created additional fields like area (Baroque, Classical, middle-age, etc...), performer (I use the composer as artist), instruments, tone, country. And for title, i reference the catalog number when it exists rather than a name (BWV for Bach, RV for Vivaldi, etc...) and i created a movement field. It is created with a number to indicate which movement it is and additional info like adagio, andante, etc...
I have done that to be able to find quickly in Foobar a given composition. Other name commonly used is refered as a comment.
Then i had to find a server able to display this information in a readable manner. In Minimserver, i have merged title and movement to see what i was playing. Anyway, the track number puts everything in the right order, but it is useful to see what you listen.
The only thing i am missing in minimserver is conditional choice. For exemple, i would like to do actions only if the track belongs to classical music. It would enable me to have the right view for each type of music.
If any of you have an idea, he is welcome !
I used Cambridge CXU as a renderer, Bubbleupnp as control point and Synology
If you have more than one genre tag for Classical music tracks, one being 'Classical' and the other being 'Symphony' or whatever, then you can filter on 'Classical' first to get just those tracks.