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Hi guys!
Does anyone of you know if or how it's possible to use samplerate as a tag format so it can be displayed in the album name for instance?
I would like my albums to be displayed like
"Back in Black [44100]"
I managed to do similar things with year, but I would like to know if my request is possible and a tag info like this is available.

(01-09-2014 08:17)christianr Wrote: [ -> ]Hi guys!
Does anyone of you know if or how it's possible to use samplerate as a tag format so it can be displayed in the album name for instance?
I would like my albums to be displayed like
"Back in Black [44100]"
I managed to do similar things with year, but I would like to know if my request is possible and a tag info like this is available.


If you are OK with seeing 16/44100 instead of just 44100, you can do this by using the following tagFormat setting:

Album.displayFormat={$album^$#audiodata^ [^]^}

You also need to add #AudioData to either indexTags (if you want to see it in the index) or itemTags (if you don't want to see it in the index).
that helped a lot. Now I understand the system and can do the rest of the customization myself!
much appreciated!

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