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Full Version: MusiCHI tagger - experiences
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Well Aplpina_Lux I found your original article interesting and may have a little look at MusicCHI. I have now tagged a large library in the way I want but I won't close my eyes to other suggestions/systems.

I have to say I find it difficult to understand some of the comments you received above, after all you were just trying help us poor souls.

Keep it up and thanks for the info.
Just and FYI, the MusiCHI tagger is now available by itself for 19 Euro
(15-11-2014 23:14)dmacpher Wrote: [ -> ]Just so I understand, does the MusiCHI tagger update the ID3 tags in the music files it tags, or does it only update it's external database library? If it updates the files, does it handle DSD DSF files? If not, then that is a show stopper for me.
Just like most other taggers, MusiCHI indeed updates the tags in the files themselves (for the covers you can choose whether you wish to do so or not). You are therefor completely independent from it should you wish to change to another tagging program in the future. That being said, there is added value in combining the tagger with the library manager for instance.

As far as DSD DSF files are concerned, I do not know whether these are also supported as I do not have any myself. You can send an e-mail to their support ( and find out, they usually answer very quickly.
(16-11-2014 13:59)mccormw Wrote: [ -> ]Well Aplpina_Lux I found your original article interesting and may have a little look at MusicCHI. I have now tagged a large library in the way I want but I won't close my eyes to other suggestions/systems.

I have to say I find it difficult to understand some of the comments you received above, after all you were just trying help us poor souls.

Keep it up and thanks for the info.
Thank you for your kind words.

I have indeed mostly given up spending much time sharing my experiences in online forums, as more often than not you receive the antagonistic attitude of someone like "bbrip" for your efforts to help others. I have too little time in order to waste it on such people.

I have now digitised and tagged more than 2000 CDs (classical only), and due to the uniform tagging that I achieved with the MusiCHI tagger their handling is wonderfully simple and intuitive. For any large classical CD collection this software is a real boon and a major time-saver.

If there is real interest about how I organised my collection with the various tags, and how I use it now on a daily basis, I can try to find some time and do another write-up of this.
(26-11-2014 22:08)ksalno Wrote: [ -> ]Just and FYI, the MusiCHI tagger is now available by itself for 19 Euro
And there was also a major update to their "Clean" database in which the composers and compositions (among others) are stored. Although there are still quite a few gaps in there (the composition catalogue of Spanish composers for example, or some Russians like Medtner is absent), in particular the baroque composers' works are very well documented now.
(03-12-2014 14:42)Alpina_Lux Wrote: [ -> ]
(16-11-2014 13:59)mccormw Wrote: [ -> ]Well Aplpina_Lux I found your original article interesting and may have a little look at MusicCHI. I have now tagged a large library in the way I want but I won't close my eyes to other suggestions/systems.

I have to say I find it difficult to understand some of the comments you received above, after all you were just trying help us poor souls.

Keep it up and thanks for the info.
Thank you for your kind words.

I have indeed mostly given up spending much time sharing my experiences in online forums, as more often than not you receive the antagonistic attitude of someone like "bbrip" for your efforts to help others. I have too little time in order to waste it on such people.

I have now digitised and tagged more than 2000 CDs (classical only), and due to the uniform tagging that I achieved with the MusiCHI tagger their handling is wonderfully simple and intuitive. For any large classical CD collection this software is a real boon and a major time-saver.

If there is real interest about how I organised my collection with the various tags, and how I use it now on a daily basis, I can try to find some time and do another write-up of this.
Well I for one would certainly have a read. MinimServer is a two-edged sword. Yes it gives you more flexibility than any other server I have seen and I would not like to lose that - oh no. But you then get the headache of setting out your tag layout and maintaining it in the future. Mind you that can also be pleasurable, I have found myself reading around the subjects of music and artists just to keep my tagging correct and have learnt a lot from of this. So perhaps MinimServer is a 3-edge sword!

As regards the trolls, you should just ignore them.
(03-12-2014 14:42)Alpina_Lux Wrote: [ -> ]
(16-11-2014 13:59)mccormw Wrote: [ -> ]Well Aplpina_Lux I found your original article interesting and may have a little look at MusicCHI. I have now tagged a large library in the way I want but I won't close my eyes to other suggestions/systems.

I have to say I find it difficult to understand some of the comments you received above, after all you were just trying help us poor souls.

Keep it up and thanks for the info.
Thank you for your kind words.

I have indeed mostly given up spending much time sharing my experiences in online forums, as more often than not you receive the antagonistic attitude of someone like "bbrip" for your efforts to help others. I have too little time in order to waste it on such people.

I have now digitised and tagged more than 2000 CDs (classical only), and due to the uniform tagging that I achieved with the MusiCHI tagger their handling is wonderfully simple and intuitive. For any large classical CD collection this software is a real boon and a major time-saver.

If there is real interest about how I organised my collection with the various tags, and how I use it now on a daily basis, I can try to find some time and do another write-up of this.
I, too, would be most interested should you still have the inclination and the time to do so. Many thanks for your efforts so far.
(03-12-2014 14:42)Alpina_Lux Wrote: [ -> ]If there is real interest about how I organised my collection with the various tags, and how I use it now on a daily basis, I can try to find some time and do another write-up of this.

Hi Alpina_Lux and other members of this community!

Would love to hear your experience after reading your initial post in another forum!

I also got Musichi few months ago and ripped/tagged most of my 200+ Classical CDs. Very happy with the results and agree with Alpina_Lux comments in general. I only have a few concerns / questions, hope you guys can help:

- As mentioned, the tagger function is superb and really helpful. However, my concern is that some of those tags (actually the most important ones, such as composition) seem to be readable only by the Musichi Player.
- As Musichi only run in Windows and I use Macs at home, I am evaluating getting another player for Classical FLACs in OSX, so far I'm with Audirvana+ 2.0. The library feature of that program also has fields for classical such as Period, Composer, Conductor, Instruments, etc., which looks really convenient.
- However, FLACs tagged with Musichi are not showing up some of the fields in Audirvana+ (even tried to modify some personalised tags in Musichi without any luck)

QUESTION: Does anyone knows how to re-map the personalised tags in Musichi so it can be read in Audirvana+ or any other OSX player with classical/FLACs facilities?

Thanks heaps!
I am a frequent user of musichi.

Overall I'm very happy with it.

However, I find that updating tags/retagging takes a long time.

I have all my music on a synology NAS.

I wish Musichi would allow you to put your own database and library on the server.

Do others find the retagging to be very slow? If so, are there any workarounds?

(04-01-2015 09:07)LarryJC Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-12-2014 14:42)Alpina_Lux Wrote: [ -> ]If there is real interest about how I organised my collection with the various tags, and how I use it now on a daily basis, I can try to find some time and do another write-up of this.

Hi Alpina_Lux and other members of this community!

Would love to hear your experience after reading your initial post in another forum!

I also got Musichi few months ago and ripped/tagged most of my 200+ Classical CDs. Very happy with the results and agree with Alpina_Lux comments in general. I only have a few concerns / questions, hope you guys can help:

- As mentioned, the tagger function is superb and really helpful. However, my concern is that some of those tags (actually the most important ones, such as composition) seem to be readable only by the Musichi Player.
- As Musichi only run in Windows and I use Macs at home, I am evaluating getting another player for Classical FLACs in OSX, so far I'm with Audirvana+ 2.0. The library feature of that program also has fields for classical such as Period, Composer, Conductor, Instruments, etc., which looks really convenient.
- However, FLACs tagged with Musichi are not showing up some of the fields in Audirvana+ (even tried to modify some personalised tags in Musichi without any luck)

QUESTION: Does anyone knows how to re-map the personalised tags in Musichi so it can be read in Audirvana+ or any other OSX player with classical/FLACs facilities?

Thanks heaps!
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