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Full Version: Handling display of long strings
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Some times the value of Display tags can be really long (like Artist(s) name, Title etc.) to be accommodated in the display of the Renderers.

Some Renderers handle it effectively by making a long display scrolling, some does not. Like I've seen Sonos, Pioneer Elite N30 doing it right but PS Audio PWD cannot - it just cuts the string.

Wondering is there a way this can be controlled from Minim Server way using some kind of scrolling tag ? Or any other way out so that I don't need to depend on Renderer.

(20-05-2014 14:14)smazumder Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Some times the value of Display tags can be really long (like Artist(s) name, Title etc.) to be accommodated in the display of the Renderers.

Some Renderers handle it effectively by making a long display scrolling, some does not. Like I've seen Sonos, Pioneer Elite N30 doing it right but PS Audio PWD cannot - it just cuts the string.

Wondering is there a way this can be controlled from Minim Server way using some kind of scrolling tag ? Or any other way out so that I don't need to depend on Renderer.


It isn't possible for the server to do scrolling. I think the only thing you could do on the server would be to create a shorter version of the string (such as ArtistShort or TitleShort) and use the replace setting of the tagValue property to replace the Artist value by the ArtistShort value, etc. This replacement would apply to all renderers.
Well, though I understand the approach you are suggesting, not sure how do I create the shorter version of the string.

As far as I understand there is no way I can extract part of the value of any tag using approach like substring/regular expression. Is there any ?

(20-05-2014 18:25)smazumder Wrote: [ -> ]Well, though I understand the approach you are suggesting, not sure how do I create the shorter version of the string.

As far as I understand there is no way I can extract part of the value of any tag using approach like substring/regular expression. Is there any ?


No, this isn't possible.
Any other work around to create short strings for track/artist in MinimServer ?
(20-05-2014 19:07)smazumder Wrote: [ -> ]Any other work around to create short strings for track/artist in MinimServer ?

Depending on what information you want to copy from the long strings, it might be possible to do this by using Mp3tag actions with regular expressions.
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