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Hi All, can someone explain what the correct file format is I should use for the tagUpdate feature? I've tried .txt with proper UTF-8 character format but minimwatch is not accepting it...

(17-01-2014 19:39)tlm Wrote: [ -> ]Hi All, can someone explain what the correct file format is I should use for the tagUpdate feature? I've tried .txt with proper UTF-8 character format but minimwatch is not accepting it...


This is described in detail (with examples) in this section and this section. It doesn't matter what file extension you use.
Thanks for quick response - I did find these sections, but minimwatch properties doesn't accept for example the file name "tagupates.txt" or "tagupdates.docx" and responds with: "Must be file name: enter correct filename and retry". See screenshot. Also specifying a pathway is not helping.

Any suggestions? Wrong settings somewhere?

(18-01-2014 13:19)tlm Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for quick response - I did find these sections, but minimwatch properties doesn't accept for example the file name "tagupates.txt" or "tagupdates.docx" and responds with: "Must be file name: enter correct filename and retry". See screenshot. Also specifying a pathway is not helping.

Any suggestions? Wrong settings somewhere?


Try it with an absolute path and a plain text file.
Thanks - I tried all these options (flat *.txt file and absolute file path) - see screen shots. Still puzzled how to get this feature to work as its a really neat option.

(19-01-2014 11:40)tlm Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks - I tried all these options (flat *.txt file and absolute file path) - see screen shots. Still puzzled how to get this feature to work as its a really neat option.


This message means the path you entered is not a valid Linux file path. In Linux (unlike Windows), file paths use case-sensitive matching.

What is the complete exact path that you entered?
My content is on a QNAP in /share/Music FLAC. This is what entered as content directory in Minimwatch and works properly.
The *.txt tagUpload file is in the separate folder (Minimserver) in my main music folder (Music FLAC) => path is: /share/Music FLAC/Minimserver/Tagupdate1.txt

I bouble checked it => above are copies of what's been entered in Minimwatch Properties.
(19-01-2014 14:59)tlm Wrote: [ -> ]My content is on a QNAP in /share/Music FLAC. This is what entered as content directory in Minimwatch and works properly.
The *.txt tagUpload file is in the separate folder (Minimserver) in my main music folder (Music FLAC) => path is: /share/Music FLAC/Minimserver/Tagupdate1.txt

I bouble checked it => above are copies of what's been entered in Minimwatch Properties.

Are you sure the folder is 'Minimserver' (capital M and small s) and the file is 'Tagupdate1.txt' (capital T)?

The best way to check this is to login to the QNAP using SSH or putty and enter the command

ls -l /share/Music FLAC/Minimserver/Tagupdate1.txt

Please paste the output from this command.
[attachment=349][attachment=349]Are you sure the folder is 'Minimserver' (capital M and small s) and the file is 'Tagupdate1.txt' (capital T)?

Ok - works... Thanks, should have seen this. Great!
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